In General Shipping industry – Reliant on old technologies –Steel boats are heavy, old engines are inefficient Lack of climate awareness Shipping, yachting industry is vital –Cannot disappear, but can change –Need for new thinking, innovative ideas
Military –Necessity of high-performance vessels in military theaters –Importance of making these low emission, highly efficient vessels Yachting –High end income individuals have a lifestyle that will not change –Up to manufacturers to meet climate demands without compromising luxury and lifestyle Shipping –Necessity for fuel efficient vessels –Re-examination of building materials –Efficient waste management
Ultimate Goal: Carbon Neutral, Nonpolluting Vessels –Not achievable without new technologies still in development –Important to implement available and viable technologies today
Present Day Solutions Carbon fibre –Easy to shape –Lightweight structure resulting in increased efficiency –Long lifecycle –Energy intensive production. More research needed Alternatives to Teak decks –Resyclable synthetic teak or renewable smoked Ash Solar cells Ecological paint Ecofriendly interior fabrics Efficient treatment of waste and oil spill Enforcing MARPOL directives
Possible Future Solutions Fuel cell powerplants in shipping and yachting Diesel emultion technology Extensive use of biodiesel Use of wind aid technology Getting innovative companies to cooperate –Wave Star –Wave Energy Fyn Implementing green technologies from other industries