環境保護與資源回收 中山大學 (02/11/2001)
經濟發展帶來之後果 環境之破壞 資源過度之浪費 生活環境之惡化 經濟發展之目的為何﹖﹖
環境之保護 水土之保持 綠化 土地開發之規劃 水源之規劃與保護 空氣污染之避免 工業界 交通 農牧業 能源
景觀之維護 古蹟之保存 景觀配合發展 噪音污染 光線污染 “ 我們必需維護美好之生活環境 “
Environmental costs:Net environmental cost paid by industry,1997 1) Total Water air waste others min dlf Total 3,691 1,037 1, Of which mining & quarrying food,beverages & tobacco products textiles leather & leather products (excl. clothes) pulp,paper & paper products Coke,refined petroleum products Chemicals & chemical products 1, Glass,earthenware, Cement,lime & plaster Basic metals Other metals Other industries Public utilities N.B. Excl.the construction industry. 1)Activity units with 20 or more employees
Air pollution by mobile sources, 1998* Carbon carbobsulphur PM 10 volatile 1) monoxide dioxide oxides dioxide organic compounds , Inland shipping 2) 2.2 2, Ocean-going min kg Road trafficvessels 3) 2.8 1, Leasure boats Rail transport 4) Air traffic Agricultural machinery 14 1, Other mobile Machinery Total emissions , )Particulates smaller than 10 micrometer. 2)Including inland fishing. 3)Inland waters. 4)Diesel traction only.
資源之回收 廚鮽之回收 庭園綠化植物之回收 垃圾分類與回收 廢棄建材之回收 拋棄物品之再利用 資源回收程度為國家資源運用效率之指標 “ 我們應避免透支下一代的生活資源 ”
Waste:Annual generation of waste disposed ofreused or otherwise usefully applied 1) Waste collected by or on behalf municipalities 2) Household waste19973,5572,884 3) Bulky household waste Litter, Street cleansing waste, public Garden refuse, floating waste, mud & sink- pit sludge19971,003 Industrial waste Office,shop & service waste19961,7501,005 Process waste (non-hazardous)19962,4415,589 Hazardous waste19971, Combustion residuals from coal-fired Power plants ,510 Construction & demolition waste19971,175 14,925 Agrocultural refuse ,250 Specific hospital waste Vehicle wrecks Used tyres
Ship-cleaning residues ) 0 Used oil Blasting grit Contaminated soil 4) Dredging sludge ,382 6) Phosphogypsum 5)1997 1,495 0 Sewage & waste water treatment Sludge1997 1, Manure surplus ,000 Total generation of waste 100,000 Waste incineration residuals ,060 Sources:Statistics Netherlands, Ministry of Public Housing, Planning and Environment, and the Soil Cleansing Centre 1)Minimun estimate. Excl. energy generated by waste incineration. If no reuse is known of, the waste is classified as ‘disposed of’ 2)Incl. Separately collected waste,such as garden and vegetable waste,glass,paper etc. 3)Incl. Quantities subsidised by municipalities, but not collected by or on behalf of municipalities (e.g. used paper) 4)In cubic metres. 5)The pertains primarily to cleaned-up IBS-soil. 6)Fluid weight. 7)Discharged into surface waters.
資源之開發 水資源之開發 自然資源之運用 水、日光、風、浪潮 新鮮空氣之開發 加強綠化 降低工業及交通之污染
Natural environment:Breeding pairs of some birds breeding in the Netherlands trend Agricultural area1984=100 Mallard partridge Lapwing Black-tailed Godwit Sky lark Forest and park Green woodpecker Wren Gold crest Crested tit Nuthatch Urban area Collared dove Jackdaw House sparrow Source:Cooperative organisations of bird census work in the Netherlands (SOVON)/Statistics Netherlands. Explanatory notes N.B.:+significant increase;-significant decrease.
Oxygen-demanding, eutrophicating materials and heavy metals in public sewage treatment plants influent effluent influent effluent influent effluent 1,000 Kg?day Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Biochemical oxygen Demand (BOD) Total nitrogen as N Total phosphate as P Inhabitant equivalency (1,000 i.e.) 26,260 3,576 26,162 3,560 26,217 3,255 Copper Chromium Zinc Lead Cadmium Nickel Mercury Arsenic