Nestor Vega
UCLG (2009) Position Paper on Aid Effectiveness and Local Government UCLG (2010) The of City Our Manifesto
Local Self- government Local Democracy Decentralization Subsidiarity Transparency Participation Efficiency Inclusiveness Equity Good governance
An Emerging Consensus on Aid Effectiveness Local Governments are Development Actors
Ownership: Democratization of the process: Development strategies require ownership by sub national levels of government to advocate for community interests
Alignment – Development cooperation and national development strategies must be aligned with existing decentralization frameworks and must contribute to strengthening local autonomy and promoting sustainable community development.
Harmonization – Local governments should take the lead in harmonization of development cooperation in communities.
Managing for results – decentralization and local development as components of good local governance should be expected results of development cooperation
Mutual Accountability - Strengthening transparency and accountability for development results
Local governments are responsible of ensuring equitable delivery of essential services
Being part of the state, local governments enjoy a level of legitimacy and responsibility that is not comparable to other development actors.
Strong local governance structures are crucial to ensure genuine democratic ownership and domestic accountability
Local governments can have an acute awareness of the challenges and opportunities facing society, as they have deep roots into the social, political and economic fabric of communities
A solid democratic system
An efficient decentralization framework
Accountability derives from the mandate given by the citizens to lead community development.
Outcome Document - Outline Sessions – Participation – Ownership, Accountability Inputs