Force Projection Symposium IV Deploying The Objective Force USN Perspective 7 May 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Force Projection Symposium IV Deploying The Objective Force USN Perspective 7 May 2003

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 2May 2003 SEA Power 21 Transformational Concepts  Project decisive and persistent offensive power anywhere in the world  Launch immediate, agile and sustainable operations from the sea DD(X)  Assure access throughout the battlespace for the Joint Force  Project defense around friends, allies, and coalition and the Joint Forces  Provide a sea- based layer of homeland defense LCS, CG(X) DEEPWATER CRUISER CONVERSION MISSILE DEFENSE  Project forces worldwide with capability to fight & win  Operate immediately from an expanded and secure maneuver area – the sea  Minimize vulnerabilities tied to overseas land support DD(X), LCS, LHA(R) CRUISER CONVERSION LHD-8, LPD 17, TAK(E) FORCEnet Align & integrate warriors, networks, sensors and weapons to implement Network Centric Warfare Sea Shield Sea Basing Sea Strike

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 3May 2003 Sea Shield Transformational Capabilities Homeland Defense Theater Air and Missile Defense Sea Shield Assure access throughout the battlespace to let the Joint Force “climb into the ring” on our timetable Project defensive sphere to assure our homeland and that of partners ASW ASUW MCM Littoral Sea Control

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 4May 2003 Sea Strike Transformational Capabilities Persistent ISR Information Operations Ship-to- Objective Maneuver Time Sensitive Strike Joint and National Sources Improved Organic Sources Sea Strike Project decisive and persistent offensive power Expeditionary Strike Force

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 5May 2003 Expeditionary Strike Force Operational Transformation CVBG ARG Mid-East Force SAG Expeditionary Strike Group Carrier Strike Group SSGN/SOF Strike Force Missile Defense SAG AFSB 4/2/1 19 independent Strike groups independent Strike groups Maximum Power Forward

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 6May 2003 Sea Basing Transformational Capabilities Accelerated Deployment and Employment Times Sea Basing Enhanced Positioning of Joint Assets Provide worldwide basing options for fighting and winning Operate immediately from an expanded, secure maneuver area Minimize vulnerabilities tied to overseas land support At-sea arrival & assembly Selective offload Reconstitution at Sea Critical C2, fires Focused logistics

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 7May 2003 Sea Basing REPRESENTATIVE PROGRAMS Command and Control Logistics Afloat Power Projection Deployable Joint Command and Control System Coalition Wide Area Network CVN(21) Aircraft Carrier CG(X) Cruiser DD(X) Destroyer Littoral Combat Ship LHA(R) Assault Ship SSGN Strike Submarine Maritime Pre- positioned Force (Future) Heavy Load Air Cushioned Landing Craft High Speed Vessels Mobile User Objective System Global Command & Control System Maritime CVN-77 Aircraft Carrier LHD-8 Assault Ship LPD-17 Amphibious Warfare Ship SSN-774 Submarine DDG-51 Destroyer T-AOE(X) Supply Ship T-AKE Dry Cargo Ship Core Transformational

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 8May 2003 Family of Surface Combatants w Netted w Distributed w Joint w Coalition  Assured Access – Undersea Warfare – Surface Warfare  Power Projection – Navy Fires  Projected Defense – Theater Missile Defense Homeland Defense Force Projection Symposium IV Slide 8 May 2003

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 9May 2003 DD(X) Phase III Overview  DD(X) Contract – Produce DD(X) design to support FY05 Critical Design Review (CDR) for the DD(X) Flight I Baseline – Focused on technology risk mitigation  DD(X) is the centerpiece for development of critical transformational technologies  Ten EDMs to be built and tested  Technology risk mitigated through robust land-based and / or at-sea testing  Results in DD(X) Lead Ship Award in FY05 with delivery in FY11 Protest Did Not Impact FY05 DD(X) Contract Award

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 10May 2003 DD(X) Transformational Systems Peripheral Vertical Launch System (PVLS) Next Generation Launch System Integrated Undersea Warfare In-Stride Mine Avoidance Surface Volume Fires Advanced Gun System (AGS) Surface Volume Fires  Automated Magazine  Up to 100 mile Land Attack Projectile Dual Band Radar Detection of Stealthy Targets in Sea-land Clutter Integrated Composite Deckhouse & Apertures Multi-Spectral Stealth Signatures Integrated Power System (IPS) Increased Operational and Design Flexibility Reduced Crew, Open Architecture Total Ship Computing Environment (TSCE) Reduced Crew, Open Architecture  3 Face X-Band radar  3 Face L-Band radar  Low RCS / IR / EO Signatures  Planar Array Antennas  Tomahawk  Standard Missile (SM 2)  Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM)  Substantially Reduced Manning  Fully Integrated Combat System  Network Centric Operations  Organic Targeting  Gas Turbines  2 Fixed Pitch Propellers  Permanent Magnet In-Hull Motors Hull & Mobility Improved Survivability  Hybrid Double Hull  30 kt Sustained Speed  Hangar both Helos & UAVs  Two Flight Deck Spots  Stern Boat Launch  Dual Freq Sonar Bow Array  Multi-Function Towed Array (MFTA)  Torpedo Countermeasures

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 11May 2003 Littoral Combat Ship  A focused mission ship designed to optimize warfighting in the Littoral Battlespace – Fast – Maneuverable – Shallow Draft  Capable of countering enemy asymmetric littoral threats – Mines – Small fast surface craft – Diesel submarines  Self deploying and self sustaining ship – Not a small craft – Size not yet determined, but significantly smaller than DD(X) or CG(X)  Innovative hull form / propulsion  Modular mission payloads with Open Systems Architecture – Mission payloads to provide sensors and combat systems – Will incorporate advanced unmanned air, surface and underwater vehicles – Fully netted with the battle force – Draws upon the capabilities and fire power of multi-mission ships

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 12May 2003 USV Anti-Access Patrol Boats Networked Unmanned Vehicles Surveillance / Communications USV Mines USV UUVs Notional Concept of Operations Diesel / Electric Submarines Data Sharing: Control Net: RMS Force Projection Symposium IV Slide 12May 2003

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 13May 2003

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 14May 2003 Experimentation Lessons Learned  HSV-X1 / Westpac Express – Structural design – Seakeeping – Launch and recovery of vehicles  Skjold – SES technology – Composite design and construction  Visby – Composite design and construction  SLICE – Structural design – Diesel exhaust – Hydrodynamic Drag  Triton – Trimaran design, construction, operations – Seakeeping and structural performance

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 15May 2003 Lessons Test Blended Wing Lifting Bodies Test Dynamic Control System at High Speed Test Drag Reduction Technology Lessons Test Blended Wing Lifting Bodies Test Dynamic Control System at High Speed Test Drag Reduction Technology Characteristics Length – 100ftDispl – 98LT Spd – 50krs Deliver Dec 03 Test Feb 04 Under Contract to Pacific Marine Characteristics Length – 100ftDispl – 98LT Spd – 50krs Deliver Dec 03 Test Feb 04 Under Contract to Pacific Marine Hybrid Deep Vee Demonstrator (HDV(D)-100) (Mod to 100LT Deep Vee Hull Pacific Marine / TRANSCOM Joint Dev) ONR Development of Small High Speed Vessels Small High Speed Vessels Development and Test Serve as ACTD Leading to LCS Lessons Test Lifting Body Tech Eval. miss. modularity capabilities Eval. advanced Catamaran hull form Eval. active polymer drag reduction Gain experience w/ design & const under ABS rules Lessons Test Lifting Body Tech Eval. miss. modularity capabilities Eval. advanced Catamaran hull form Eval. active polymer drag reduction Gain experience w/ design & const under ABS rules Characteristics Length –73mDispl – ~1,100LT Beam – 22ftSpd – ~50kts+ Endurance – 4000nm Sea Trials Jun 04 Deliver Aug 04 Contract To Be Signed Titan 31 Jan 03 Characteristics Length –73mDispl – ~1,100LT Beam – 22ftSpd – ~50kts+ Endurance – 4000nm Sea Trials Jun 04 Deliver Aug 04 Contract To Be Signed Titan 31 Jan 03 X-Craft (Previously “Littoral Surface Craft (Experimental) (LSC(X))”)

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 16May 2003 Lessons Test Lifting Body Tech Test Dynamic Ride Ctrl Sys Test Propulsion Sys Test Seakeeping Lifting Body Mfg Processes Confirm Computational Design Processes Lessons Test Lifting Body Tech Test Dynamic Ride Ctrl Sys Test Propulsion Sys Test Seakeeping Lifting Body Mfg Processes Confirm Computational Design Processes Characteristics Length – 162ftDispl – 270LT Beam – 40ftSpd – 30+krs Deliver Aug 03 Test Sep/Oct 04 Under Contract to Pacific Marine Characteristics Length – 162ftDispl – 270LT Beam – 40ftSpd – 30+krs Deliver Aug 03 Test Sep/Oct 04 Under Contract to Pacific Marine ONR Development of Small High Speed Vessels (cont) Baseline + HYSWAC (Hybrid Small Waterplane Area Craft) CWIP Feasibility Design Study (Performed by Pacific Marine) Characteristics Length – 185ft Range kts Displ – 500LT Spd – 35+krs Completed Study by CNR May 02 Characteristics Length – 185ft Range kts Displ – 500LT Spd – 35+krs Completed Study by CNR May 02 Lessons Feasible to Build (based on SES200 Logistics Issues with one of a kind Combined GT (WJ) and Diesel (CPP) “Lilly Pad” for 2 small Helos Would supplant HYSWAC Lessons Feasible to Build (based on SES200 Logistics Issues with one of a kind Combined GT (WJ) and Diesel (CPP) “Lilly Pad” for 2 small Helos Would supplant HYSWAC

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 17May 2003 LCS Development Timeline Mission Package R&D / Procurement Platform R&D Littoral Combat Ship Unmanned Vehicles R&D Composites, Apertures, Propulsion, HSI, Automation R&DProcurement EDM LMRS PLUS VTUAV SPARTAN SCOUT PLUS NEXT GENERATION UV’S RMS SPARTAN SCOUT

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 18May 2003 LCS: Sea Frame  Attributes - Balance of Mission Payload, Capacity, Maneuverability, Stealth and Survivability  Draft of 20 feet or less  Innovative Hull Form and Propulsion System » Economical loiter speeds » Sustained Battle Group transit speeds » High speed sprints of 40-50kts » Potential Common Hull form: USCG Deepwater Project Offshore Patrol Vessel FMS  Signature – Management Technologies to minimize » Infra-red, acoustic, magnetic, radar and wake emissions  State-of-the-art Damage Control Technology and Self-Defense Systems  Mission manned

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 19May 2003 Notional Modular Mission Payloads Weapons Sensor Command & Control Zone Offboard Undersea Vehicle Zone Offboard Aerial Vehicle Zone Weapons Zone Self Defense Weapon Control Electronic Warfare Systems ASW Weapon Control Exterior Communications Offboard Vehicles Self Defense Missile Self Defense Countermeasures Self Defense Gun Weapons Mission Module Systems Platform And Core Mission Systems Command & Control Electro-Optical Sight System External Sensors Adv. Surface / Air Search Radar

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 20May 2003 CG(X)CG(X)  Advanced Multi Mission Cruiser – Common Hull and Propulsion with DD(X) – Sea-based Theater Air and Ballistic Missile Defense Suites – Recipient of Spiral Development Technology Propagation across the Family of Ships – Likely Timeline for Introduction  FY12 Detail Design and Construction  FY17 First Hull in Water

Force Projection Symposium IVSlide 21May 2003 SummarySummary  Family of Ships Aggressively Pursuing the Sea Power 21 Vision  Significant Forward Progress in Fielding Capability – DD(X) Start Construction in FY05 – LCS Start Construction in FY05 – CG(X) Start Construction in Approximately FY12  Spiral Development, Open Architecture and Modularity are Keys to Successful Execution  Navy to Navy and Industry to Industry Relationships are Maturing Rapidly on Family of Ships Technologies