Information frequently posted on a form of website. A blog could be a personal journal, business, political, celebrity, and even comedy website.
A blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World wide web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order
There are about 150 million bloggers in the world today
There are several types of blogs for example, Political- political blog talks about the latest political updates Business- a business blog is usually a form of advertisement or could be a contact sight Personal- a personal blog is someone who is blogging day to day life or telling a life story on there own blog
A blog is basically a website in its own way. A blog is different because it is updated much more frequently. A blog can also differ because it expects interaction from the viewers. vs
a blogroll is a list of blogs recommended on the blog the viewer is currently viewing. The blog roll is made by the owner or poster of the blog
When trying to get information of a blog there some risk the main one would be faulty information. When reading a blog you need to understand its just people writing information that could not be entirely true.
A blogosphere is a list of all the blogs world wide. The blog most viewed are at the top and the blogs least viewed are on the bottom.
Around 500,000 thousand people in the U.S. make living of blogging. Bloggers make there money by either advertising other sights, product, businesses etc. they can also make money by selling there own product