SECTOR-WIDE APPROACH – a Planning Tool for Samoa Ms. Makerita Luatimu – Tiotio (Public Administration Sector Coordinator) Mr. Talatalaga Matau – (ACEO: Human Resources Management information System) Samoa Public Service Commission Office 26 September 2013 Apia, Samoa
Outline Context Definitions SWAp Details GoS Planning Framework What is a Sector & a Sector Program? Conditions for a Successful Sector Program Role of Government Case Study
Context Government of Samoa (GoS) adopted sector- wide approach in the mid-2000 to promote: Change from narrow agency-based projects Move from fragmented agency outputs to more harmonized sector outcomes Greater agency participation Ownership by more not less Broader sectoral partnership
Definition “ process in which funding for the sector, internal or from donors, supports a single policy and expenditure program, under partner stakeholder leadership, and adopting common methodologies across the sector”
SWAp Details Represents 2 interlinked concepts: 1)‘Sector-Wide’ - scope for planning and implementation 2)‘Approach’ - emphasizes the following key areas: Partnership with relevant stakeholders Joint ownership & leadership; Alignment to national processes and systems; Harmonization of sector resources; Achieving sector outcomes/impacts
SWAp Detail’s cont’d Way of improving funding effectiveness Mechanism through which support to public expenditure programs can be better coordinated
SWAp Details cont’d Main Components Clear nationally-owned sector policies and strategies Medium term expenditure framework Systematic arrangements for programming Performance monitoring system
What is a Sector? “A sector covers thematically linked activities involving government, non-government and private participation” (NZAid, 2006) A Sector Program is: “a specific, set of activities which supports an approved strategy using a sector wide approach”
GoS Planning Framework Management Plans (Divisional Level) Corporate Plans (Ministry Level ) Sector Plans (Sectoral Level) Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS)
Conditions for successful Sector Program Strong and effective leadership Commitment by government and all relevant stakeholders Broad consensus between stakeholders on key policy for the sector Financial accountability of sector players
Role of GoS Provide overall leadership Support resourcing Solicit relevant funding Encourage sector participation and ownership Promote sound program governance and transparent financial systems Ensure wider stakeholder consultations
Benefits of SWAp 1.Stronger partnerships 2.Ownership by all sector stakeholders 3.Dialogue by sector partners on sector policy issues 4.Greater accountability 5.Shift from measuring agency outputs to sector outcomes 7.Greater focus on capacity building 8.Increased resource allocation to under resourced sectors
Case Study - Public Administration Sector Background Comprise all GoS Ministries Lead agencies – PSC, MoF, MPMC Formulate & Implement first sector plan Review first sector plan Develop second sector plan
Case Study cont’d Challenges Change from agency-based/project-based activities to sector-based programs Limited inter-agency collaboration Sharing of data
Case Study cont’d Key Lessons Learned Poor service delivery Limited inter-agency cooperation Limited information sharing Lack of informed decision making
Case Study cont’d Way Forward Complete new Sector Plan, focusing on 3 main priorities: 1.Improving the quality of public service delivery; 2.Improving human resources capabilities; and 3.Improving public sector integrity and culture Strengthen collaboration with private sector and civil society
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