Leadership Team Meeting March 24, 2010
Project Based Approach Cross Functional Project Teams Projects Support Multiple Operational Expectations Actions Defined by Research Scheduled Deliverables Defined Timelines Multiple Formats for Reporting Strong Correlation to School Improvement Plan Same Philosophy Same Format
Provides a Focus Emphasizes What We Are Going to Do As Instructional Leaders Instead of What Students are Supposed to Do Relevant Projects to Enhance the Organization Drastically Reduces the Number of Measurable Outcome Indicators Easier to Implement and Manage for All Stakeholders Ties Together the Strategic Plan, School Improvement Plan, and Evaluation Process
Outcome Indicators Projects
Student Achievement Safe, Healthy and Productive Learning and Work Environment Capable and Engaged Work Force Fiscal Responsibility and Organizational Effectiveness
1. Maximize student potential in core area achievement. 2. Close achievement gaps. 3. Deliver quality non-core area learning opportunities that provide students with a well-rounded education. 4. Promote student acquisition of 21 st century skills.
1. Provide adequate and appropriate facilities. 2. Maintain a safe work and learning environment. 3. Foster Shared purpose and collaboration throughout the organization.
1. Recruit and retain the highest quality staff. 2. Build leadership and job-related capacity at every level of the organization. 3. Promote continual learning and innovation through reasonable levels of autonomy, accountability, and ownership.
1. Maintain effective and efficient resource management. 2. Utilize strategic planning that provides organizational focus and fosters continuous improvement. 3. Maintain effective school/community communication and partnerships.
Performance Appraisal System – Assessments Performance Appraisal System – Evaluation Closing Achievement Gap 21 st Century Skills Parent and Community Engagement Resource Management Data Resource Management
BREVARD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS STRATEGIC PLAN Performance Appraisal System Performance Assessment System Closing the Achievement Gap 21st Century Skills Parent/Communication Engagement Resource Management Data Resource Systems GOAL 1 – STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Operational Expectations Maximize student potential in core area achievement Close achievement gaps Deliver quality non-core area learning opportunities that provide students with a well-rounded education Promote student acquisition of 21 st century skills GOAL 2 – SAFE, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE LEARNING AND WORK ENVIRONMENT Operational Expectations Provide adequate and appropriate facilities Maintain a safe work and learning environment Foster shared purpose and collaboration throughout the organization GOAL 3 – CAPABLE AND ENGAGED WORK FORCE Operational Expectations Recruit and retain the highest quality staff Build leadership and job-related capacity at every level of the organization Promote continual learning and innovation through reasonable levels of autonomy, autonomy, accountability and ownership. GOAL 4 – FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Operational Expectations Maintain effective and efficient resource management Utilize strategic planning that provides organizational focus and fosters continuous improvement. Maintain effective school/community communication and partnerships
Project A Strategic Planning Project Document Will Be Created for Each of the Seven Projects Identified for
Operational Expectations Identifying Which Operational Expectation(s) Will Be Addressed
Project Team The Project Team Will Be Cross- Functional with Members From Multiple Offices or Departments
Outcome Indicators Indicators Will Correlate to Identified Strategic Plan Outcome Indicators Providing Historical Data as Well as Future Year Targets
Needs Assessment Providing Data Analysis That Supports the Need for Improvement
Best Practice Sharing What Research Tells Us We Should be Doing
Analysis of Current Practice Explaining How We Currently Conduct Business
Action Plan Identifying Action Steps
Deliverables Identifying What Products Will be Developed by the Project Team and When They Will Be Delivered
Budget Identifying How Action Steps Are Currently Funded Also Identifying Funding Needs to Be Considered When Creating District’s Budget
Performance Reporting Reporting Performance in Multiple Formats Throughout the Year
Full implementation of “new” philosophy Format of template will change slightly, but will continue to be electronic School improvement process will include a mid-year and end-of-year reporting mechanism (information and format to be discussed in the fall) SIP must address five core areas (Reading, Math, Writing, Science, Parental Involvement) SIP will also address other core areas (Language Arts/Social Studies) as well as non-core areas (Arts, PE) One goal MAY address multiple academic areas All schools (except SINI schools) will utilize District template
OBJECTIVE: What will “we”, the instructional team, do to impact student achievement? What will instruction look like based on the data needs of our school?
STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT How does this work support the vision and mission of the organization?
1. Three Teacher Leaders will be identified and provided support to facilitate PLCs for three of Marzano’s Nine Strategies of Effective Instructions training. 2. Three Teacher Leaders will develop the framework for school-wide PLCs for facilitating 3 High Yield instructional strategies to faculty. 3. Create PLCs that center around 3 of the 9 High Yield Instructional strategies. 4. Teachers will observe another teacher on the effective use of one of the 3 high yield strategies. 5. During pre-observation conference, discussion will include teacher’s goals for implementation of at least one high-yield strategy within their classroom instruction. SAMPLE SIP
Data analysis that supports the need for improvement. WHAT IS THE STORY BEHIND THE DATA? Is there research that can guide our practice? How does our practice differ from research? RATIONALE
Data analysis that supports the need for improvement. WHAT IS THE STORY BEHIND THE DATA? STRATEGIES MUST address how the objective will be implemented. EVALUATION Outcome Indicators Progress Monitoring PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
General School Information section will continue to be a part of the School Improvement Plan. School Improvement process is an on-going cycle. Statute REQUIRES that the School Advisory Council be part of the DEVELOPMENT of the plan. There will be elements of the SIP that SINI and DA schools will be required to address. (i.e. Title I expenditures, specific subgroup strategies, PLC implementation, etc.) PDSA CYCLE
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