Housekeeping 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Lunch: 1:00 – 1:30pm Workshop ends: 3pm Please pay Laila for CPD during lunch No food and drink in the computer lab
What we will do today… Make the PHA NSW website work for you Find some great blogs Develop basic social media skills - twitter and Facebook A brief look at developing your publicity plan With guest appearances from… The Cautious Historian 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins
Why Should Historians be Online? 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins
18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Historians are communicators and teachers….
18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Historians are learners and researchers…
The internet is… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins The biggest communication medium in the world Designed from the beginning to foster learning A hive of research The most important source of news world-wide
PHA NSW Website 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins
What does PHA NSW website do? 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Informs the public Provides services to PHA NSW members – publicity and information Attracts prospective members
Tour of PHA NSW website 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins
Create a member profile… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Great if you don’t have your own website Link to your own website – the more links the better! A unique avatar very important – would you want to hire this person? Go ahead, create your profile now!
Passwords… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Never use the same password on more than one site. Use a password rememberer Don’t use dictionary words Change your password regularly Don’t use the same password on multiple sites
This is your website! 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Write a PHA NSW blog post Tell the PHA NSW President if you have an event coming up – we’ll put it in the ‘What’s On’
Why Should we use Social Media? 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins
What is social media? 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Social media focuses on facilitating two-way, public interaction using the web eg: Blogs Twitter Facebook And many more
Blogs 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Web log Verb + noun eg. blogged, blogging, blog, blogger Posts + comments = interaction/development of social relationships Single author Multiple author eg. PHA NSW blog Simple to start through Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr
For historians social media is… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins A place to exchange ideas with other colleagues Where professional news and issues are shared A significant publicity tool Free for everyone to access
The Cautious Historian says… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Only sign up for a social media account if you know you can de-activate the account if you wish If the intellectual property of something is dear to you, don’t put it on social media Don’t share anything that you would not want shared very publicly Use up to date virus protection software
18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins But we need to be moderate in our caution… Or we will miss out on opportunities… And run the risk of total irrelevancy!
Today you will learn… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins How to use social media professionally: to increase your professional development to network with colleagues around the world to publicise your work You will NOT learn how to be a social media sensation overnight!
Blogging and tweeting works… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins “Most of my papers, before I blogged and tweeted them, had one to two downloads, even if they had been in the repository for months (or years, in some cases). Upon blogging and tweeting, within 24 hours, there were on average seventy downloads of my papers.” Melissa TerrasMelissa Terras, 3/4/2012
Explore the world of blogging… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Go to click on CPD 18 th May and find interesting history blogs.
Twitter 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins
Why Twitter? 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Publicise your work to public and colleagues: Melissa Terras Melissa Terras Be up to date, hear the news and issues affecting history, participate in discussion about things that matter to your professional life eg open access Learn and discuss eg digital humanities
Becoming a Tweep 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Think about your Twitter handle – a variation on your name? Identify yourself with a photo Fill in your ‘About’ Add a website link about what you do – you could use your PHA NSW profile for this! How to de-activate your twitter account
1. Follow others 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins You decide who you want to listen to If you change your mind, just unfollow – no-one is going to get offended Go to click on CPD 18 th May, scroll down and find some tweeps to followhttp://
Generosity and Support 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins A vital element of a successful twitter stream Support others who deserve support Share resources you have discovered On a personal twitter stream over ½ tweets should be supportive of others
Basic Twitter Concepts 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins RT = retweet (3 methods) DM = direct message messages and via # = hashtag Shortlinks
Give it a go! 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Let’s chat on twitter Include #phanswcpd in every tweet you send in this session Consider adding #OzHst in tweets you want to be seen in that twitter stream.
The Cautious Historian says… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Trolls: engage, ignore or block Spam: don’t get sucked in
Trolls 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Someone who posts tweets who can be seen to be offensive, aggressive, abusive or otherwise disrupts conversation Don’t feed the trolls? Many ways to deal with trolls Blocking trolls on twitter
What does spam look like? 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins An example: from someone you don’t know with a link The tweep sending doesn’t follow anyone and has no-one following them Reporting spammers
Other dangerous tweets 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins A DM: “I thought you should know what people are saying about you online [link]” “You are famous now [link]” Funny picture of you [link] Etc. Cause: Hacking of twitter accounts Solution: Ignore and don’t click on such links, change your password regularly.
Facebook 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins
Why? 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Connect with other historians Discuss things privately on PHA NSW page Many local history societies use Facebook instead of websites Museums, libraries and other public institutions have active Facebook pages (look out for them on twitter as well)
Set up your Facebook page… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Privacy Settings are important! Facebook changes recheck your privacy settings regularly! If you want to be really safe, don’t say something private even if you think your privacy settings will protect you Go to our PHA NSW CPD page download instructions on privacyPHA NSW CPD
Sharing great Facebook pages 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Go to the FB page, click on the down arrow next to the wheel on the FB page (not your wheel) Choose ‘share’ Where do you want to share it? If you want to share it with PHA NSW members click ‘On your own timeline’ and change to ‘in a group’
Explore History on Facebook 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Join the PHA NSW Facebook group and make a post or comment on our Facebook page Find historians that you know and send them a friend request Find great history Facebook pages – share them on the PHA NSW Facebook page
Group your FB friends via lists 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins Great way to separate your private family posts from your professional history posts and comments! Do this by going to your Friends page and clicking on the ‘Friends’ button next to your FB friend’s name.
Conclusion 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins
Over to you… 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins What have you found valuable in this session? What would you like to learn more about? Please fill in the PHA NSW feedback sheets – your thoughts are needed to help us provide the best CPDs!
Thankyou! 18/5/2013 Yvonne Perkins If you have any questions or news post them on the PHA NSW Facebook page, and Keep sharing with on twitter