Conclusions and Next steps Conclusions and Next steps EVD Preparedness Meeting: January 2015
Summary of discussions Proactive engagement of governments, WHO and partners for EVD Preparedness Good assessment of the situation thanks to an agreed checklist, the joint missions and the publication of the reports. Need to maintain the holistic view that EVD preparedness builds on IHR core capacities and contributes to health systems strengthening Common agreement that gaps remain especially Multi-sectoral coordination Engagement of communities Infection prevention and control Contact tracing Logistics Some countries benefit from more support than others
Gaps & Progress in 14 Countries Consolidated checklist – Status after each mission
WHO and Partners fully engaged with countries Built on the achievements of the 8 Oct. Brazzaville meeting and the consolidated checklist during the Preparedness assessment missions 14 missions of 5-7 days with people in 12 weeks Dashboard for monitoring developed Efforts underway to revise and cost national plans and coordinate among partners Documentation, guidelines, training available from WHO Redeployment of staff in countries Provision of material Financial committment Strong commitment to principles of effective development cooperation
WHO commitment Continue leading health coordination and supporting the steering role and ownership of governments Maintain accountability, monitoring, and evaluation, through the dashboard Continue to develop guidance materials and training together with partners Including training on EOC, logistics, rapid response teams, contact tracing… Ensure supply of PPE for countries Coordinate with partner UN agencies through regular conference calls, meetings. Maintain list of technical partners for well prepared missions
WHO Commitment In collaboration with the national authorities: Build capacity Immediately and effectively use resources currently committed Leverage all available technical resources (consultants, global staff pool) Strengthen coordination of partners at country level
Next steps By February: Share worksheet with participants for the provision of updated information from regional and country offices Share dashboard with WHO Country Offices for information of national authorities and update based on last activities Recruit one person in each office to support preparedness coordination Map partner contributions and intentions shared during the meeting
Next steps In the next three months: Implement recommendations from this meeting, provide technical support to operationalize country plans Organize PST follow-up missions with a minimum of 2 weeks notice Conduct simulations/exercises involving partners Complete provision of PPE to all 14 countries Convene another ‘Take stock’ meeting in approximately 3 months to measure what has been done
Next steps Longer term perspective Partners to maintain their commitments and align with national plans through: Technical assistance Financial assistance Attempt to support all priority countries Coordinate the huge array of activities presented through the meeting, with national plans Provide information to highlight in the dashboard Carry on building IHR core capacities and strengthening health systems in all countries