Revelation: Author and Purpose. Rev 1:1:9 Written by the Gospel writer John. Words came from Jesus in heaven who had received them from God. God’s plan for men and for nations is uncovered - unity with Him and each other “that they may be one in us...” (John 17:21)
The Name of the Book. From the Greek apo meaning ‘away’ and kalupto meaning ‘cover or conceal’. The word means ‘an uncovering.’ Word used 19 times in NT translated variously e.g. as “manifestation” and “appearing” of the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor.1:7)
Recipients of The Book. Written around AD 96 (According to Iranaeus and others writing in 1st Century). Some ecclesias to whom addressed - founded earlier by Paul on his travels. Revelation contains Letters to believers and offspring dwelling in Roman Empire several decades after letters of Paul. John wrote when banished as very old man to Isle of Patmos probably under persecution.
Recipients Under Persecution. Prophesies “ things which must shortly come to pass” (ch.1:2) applicable to 2nd century and forward. Signs revealed to give general awareness of the times in relation to the ‘end’ and to encourage saints at particular times. Example “He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword..”(ch.13:9) addressed in advance specially to the faithful under persecution in the Middle Ages.
Tragedy of Eden Reversed. The Book concentrates on when the way to the Tree of Life - closed in Eden - will be re- opened. The glorious consequence - “ God shall wipe away all tears from eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.” (Rev.21:4)
Signs and Symbols. Is intended for servants of Jesus who understand it against the background of the whole scripture - unintelligible to others. Its use of signs and symbols remind us of similar usage in John’s Gospel - built around eight signs of Jesus’ work. Principle of the revelation of the Father is consistent “ It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of Kings is to search out a matter.” (Prov.5:2)
A ‘Worked Example.’ First vision concerns seven stars and seven golden candlesticks. Scriptural key to decipher the symbols is supplied. John is told seven stars represent seven angels or messengers of the seven ecclesias - seven candlesticks represent the seven ecclesias themselves. Symbols readily understood when compared to other frequent scriptural usage.
Why Bother with The Revelation? It offers sublime encouragement to servants of Jesus. Seven specific blessings are promised within the book including upon: Those who accurately study its message Those who keep the sayings of the book Those who keep the Lord’s commandments Those who inherit the Kingdom
What is “Blessing?” “Blessed” means “to pronounce happy.” Used repeatedly by Jesus in the Beatitudes – “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matt.5:5) True happiness now, comes by looking beyond difficulties and pain of present life to glorious prospect of God’s Kingdom.
Mount Hermon from Hazor