The Throne of God Revelation 4
Review Revelation is a book of visionsRevelation is a book of visions –Some visions are about the time of writing The letters to the churches are suchThe letters to the churches are such –But they still have application to all churches –Other visions will focus on the future of the churches Some of those will start with the past to make the future understandableSome of those will start with the past to make the future understandable The vision of chapters 4-5 begins with an eternal truth and moves to a recent event before introducing a future visionThe vision of chapters 4-5 begins with an eternal truth and moves to a recent event before introducing a future vision
The Throne This vision begins with a picture of a heavenly throneThis vision begins with a picture of a heavenly throne –Rev 4:2-11 (we’ll come back to v. 1) Visions of God’s throne are not newVisions of God’s throne are not new –God is King of His creation (Psa 93:1-5) –God is in control (Psa 97:1-12) –God rules (Psa 45:6) –God judges (Psa 96:10-13, 99:1-9) –God will punish the wicked (Psa 94:1-23)
Revelation 4 and Ezekiel Ezk 1:4-5, 15, has a similar throneEzk 1:4-5, 15, has a similar throne –God was coming to judge and punish the disobedient people of Judah –His throne is positioned above wheels –The creatures use their wings to move Ezk 10:4-5 – God leaves His seat above the cherubim in the Holy of HoliesEzk 10:4-5 – God leaves His seat above the cherubim in the Holy of Holies Ezk 10:18-19 – God departs from the corrupted templeEzk 10:18-19 – God departs from the corrupted temple Ezk 11:22-23 – God leaves Israel to face its punishment aloneEzk 11:22-23 – God leaves Israel to face its punishment alone
Ezekiel Ezk 10-11Ezk –The people were disloyal to their King –The King departs on His throne to allow punishment begin (by removing His protection)
Revelation 4 God’s people are going to face trialsGod’s people are going to face trials –It may feel like God has left them –But God’s throne has NO wheels or wings in this vision –God is staying with His people –He is watching, He is in control –This persecution is NOT punishment for disloyalty Rather it is a trial because of their loyaltyRather it is a trial because of their loyalty The same persecution Christ warned several churches (Rev 2-3) was comingThe same persecution Christ warned several churches (Rev 2-3) was coming
The response in heaven The spiritual beings (Rev 4:8-9)The spiritual beings (Rev 4:8-9) –Praise the Lord for His eternal holiness The 24 elders (representing God’s people)The 24 elders (representing God’s people) –Rev 4:10-11 Give worship and praise God for His power because He is CreatorGive worship and praise God for His power because He is Creator Cast their crowns before HimCast their crowns before Him –Their crowns (Grk stephanos “victory garland”) –Christ’s crown (Grk diadema “king’s crown”) –Acknowledging their crowns have come from and are subservient to God
The future Rev 4:1 – John had been told he would find out the future of the churchRev 4:1 – John had been told he would find out the future of the church –(God being king is true of past, present, and future) –God staying with His people is “present” –Where is the “future”? We’ll find out more in our next lessonWe’ll find out more in our next lesson
Conclusion Lessons learned in Rev 4 God is in controlGod is in control –Victory is assured God is staying with His peopleGod is staying with His people –Victory is assured God is worthy of all praise, honor, glory, and worship in heaven and on earthGod is worthy of all praise, honor, glory, and worship in heaven and on earth –He is eternally holy –He is the Creator