Revelation 2-3 – The Seven Churches Actual churches in John’s day. Mirror problems we have seen throughout history. Often similar to different historical periods.
Revelation 2-3 – The Seven Churches For churches to be successful, they need to embrace the great truths, warnings, encouragements, and motivations found here!
Revelation 2:1 – The picture of Jesus Christ is pictured as One giving honor to the messengers (“angels” or pastors) of the churches. He is One is walks among them, possibly as the Judge.
Revelation 2:2-3 – The Commendation They are commended for the their good works, their hard work, for their endurance in the faith, and for their intolerance of evil.
Revelation 2:2-3 – The Commendation They are unwilling to tolerate false claims to gifts, especially apostolic gifts.
Revelation 2:2-3 – The Commendation We sometimes are led to believe it is unspiritual to question, in particular when it comes to spiritual gifts or claims to the miraculous. The opposite is true. 1 Thess. 5:19-22; also 1 Cor. 14:27-33, 39-40; 2 Cor. 12:12
Revelation 2:6 – The Commendation “Nicolaitans” Connected with immorality and idolatry? 2:14-15 May have wrongly exalted leadership over laity.
Revelation 2:6 – The Commendation There are many things God hates. Dt. 12:31; Ps. 5:4-6; Pr. 6:16-19; Zech. 8: ; Mal. 2:16
Revelation 2:4 – The Condemnation They had left their first love. Matt. 10:37-38; 22:36-40 Years before, they had been commended for it! Eph. 1:15
Revelation 2:4 – The Condemnation Our past or present conditions do not guarantee not having a problem tomorrow!
Revelation 2:4 – The Condemnation Literal Greek = (for emphasis) “Your first love you have left” Signed Yoda
Revelation 2:4 – The Condemnation Knowledge alone can make us proud. How we use it and how we view ourselves in relation to our brethren is critical! 1 Cor. 8:1-3 1 Tim. 1:5!
Revelation 2:5a – The Remedy They were to… 1)Remember 2)Repent 3)Do what they used to do
Revelation 2:5a – The Remedy Luke 24:28-35; John 15:1-10; Ephesians 3:14-19 “Orthodoxy and service are not enough. Christ wants believers’ hearts as well as their hands and heads.” Walvoord
Revelation 2:5b – The Warning Failure to deal with this issue would destroy their testimony. They would cease to be used as a church. Notice: Luke 14:25-35!
Revelation 2:7 – The Promise “He who has an ear…” Is anyone listening?
Revelation 2:7 – The Promise Notice that this is a message to a church! Individuals also need to respond!
Revelation 2:7 – The Promise Galatians 2:20 Christ lives in me! How can I respond during the Lord’s Supper to remember, to encourage? …during the instruction? …during the music? …in service both today and throughout the week?
Revelation 2:7 – The Promise Scripture is clear that Christ abides among us? Are we abiding in Him?
Revelation 2:7 – The Promise “Tree of Life” It is in the midst of Paradise. Unbelievers can’t get to it!
Revelation 2:7 – The Promise The promise seems to be an enhanced experience of life! Genesis = 2:9; 3:17, 22, 24 (4) Proverbs = 3:18; 11:30; 13:12; 15:4 (4) Revelation = 2:7; 22:2 (2)