AGENDA “Double Consciousness” Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes Quickwrite Prelude: “The Barbershop” Discussion LEARNING FOCUS FOR TODAY Explore the idea of “double consciousness” and how language shapes these multiple cultural identities LAST CLASS: Deborah Tannen’s “His Politeness is Her Powerlessness” NEXT CLASS: Socratic and discuss Young REMINDERS “EDUCATION IS THAT WHOLE SYSTEM OF HUMAN TRAINING WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE SCHOOL HOUSE WALLS, WHICH MOLDS AND DEVELOPS MEN.” W. E. B. DU BOIS DATE April 22, 2015 HOMEWORK None Do Now Come in quietly and wait for my instructions.
W.E.B. DuBois ( ) Civil Rights leader Author/Editor Sociologist In The Souls of Black Folk, one of his most famous works, DuBois introduced to concepts that describe the quintessential of being Black in America: “the veil” and “double-consciousness” ( The Veil 1.Literal darker skin of blacks (veil of blackness) 2.White people’s lack of clarity to see Blacks as “true” Americans (a veil that “hangs between the races”) 3.Blacks’ lack of clarity to see themselves outside of how white America defines them Double Consciousness 1.Black Americans have long lived in two worlds – one that is white and the other that is black 2.This “two-ness” of being an American and [African] American 3.Lack of real consciousness – “A world which yields him no true self- consciousness, but only lets him see himself the revelation of the other word.”
Nicole Masangkay and Erika Bleyl UW Seattle – “Double Consciousness”
As we watch the documentary, take some notes on the ideas that connect to the topics we’ve been discussing in class: How are gender, gender identity, and misogyny (prejudice against women) depicted? How do they relate to hip-hop culture? How does language play a role? Do you see any connections to the ideas of double- consciousness or the ideas brought up in Young’s piece? Any connections to the Brooks, Butler, or Tannen pieces?
“Double Consciousness” In a paragraph or two, reflect on this quote and the idea of double- consciousness. Do you ever feel like you have to choose between “two worlds”? Do you ever feel like you have to choose your identity? You may think in terms of race, class, gender identity or expression, sexuality, ability, age, etc. If you have not personally experienced this, can you think of people in your life who have?
The Barber Shop
Prelude: The Barber Shop The Myth of Sisyphus
Read Young’s “Prelude: The Barbershop,” annotating as you read… points you find especially moving or important sections you need to revisit to resolve confusions questions that arose for you sections you disagree with want to discuss further Prelude: The Barber Shop
Once you have finished your reading and annotation, turn to a neighbor and discuss your reactions, questions, and confusions. Prelude: The Barber Shop