Education Reform Act 1988 The most important piece of education legislation since 1944
There are 6 main features A National Curriculum National Tests at 7, 11 and 14 Local Management of school budgets (LMS) Opting Out (Grant Maintained schools) City Technology Colleges Ofsted – a new inspection regime for schools
The National Curriculum A government sanctioned common curriculum for pupils aged 5 – 16. Shifted responsibility for what was to be taught away from teachers to central government. Three core and seven foundation subjects Previously teachers worked out schemes of work they deemed appropriate for their pupils.
National Tests Compulsory National tests (SATS) were introduced at 7, 11 and 14 Results published annually in league tables (along with GCSE/A levels and truancy statistics). Schools can now be compared directly in terms of this data Previously pupil progress was tracked by teacher assessments
Local Management of Schools Management responsibility for school budgets taken away from LEAs and given to individual schools (Head Teachers). Much greater flexibility and responsibility now on Heads
Grant Maintained Schools State schools were given the option under the ERA to opt out completely from LEA control. If the majority of parents voted for such a step newly formed GM schools had complete control over their budgets and how the school was run
City Technology Colleges (CTCs) A new type of school was set up in the inner cities CTCs specialising in technology, the arts, maths and science set up in inner city areas CTCs are independent of LEA and were intended to be financed by local industry
Ofsted The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) was set up. “Rigorous” school inspections every 6 years Emphasis on inspection rather than support. Aggressive system of naming and shaming and placing into “special measures” for “failing schools”
Task For the 6 Key areas of Reform think of arguments in favour and against each item Key Question: Has the ERA improved the quality of education in the UK? Back to Education Lessons Menu Back to Education Lessons Menu