Maria Landy helps you to understand The Primary National Curriculum in England Look at other schools websites! Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England 1
6 areas of learning 1. Understanding the arts – 7 2. Understanding English, communication and languages– Historical, geographical and social understanding-7 4. Mathematical understanding-9 5. Understanding physical development, health and well-being 6. Scientific and technological understanding-9 Numbers denote number of pages in the National Curriculum DfE document Numbers denote number of pages in the National Curriculum DfE document Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England2
RE RE is a statutory subject of the national curriculum - new non-statutory guidance is published and included in the National Curriculum Primary Handbook – RE offers opportunities for RE is a statutory subject of the national curriculum - new non-statutory guidance is published and included in the National Curriculum Primary Handbook – RE offers opportunities for Personal reflection and Personal reflection and Spiritual development and helps them develop respect for and sensitivity to others and to challenge prejudice Spiritual development and helps them develop respect for and sensitivity to others and to challenge prejudice Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England3
New Primary Curriculum promotes: High standards – no child left behind High standards – no child left behind Secure Literacy & Numeracy skills Secure Literacy & Numeracy skills Increased ICT capability Increased ICT capability Continued entitlement to broad balanced and coherent curriculum Continued entitlement to broad balanced and coherent curriculum A well- rounded school experience to succeed with personal development essential to wellbeing and achievement A well- rounded school experience to succeed with personal development essential to wellbeing and achievement Better transition from EYFS >through Primary and into Secondary Better transition from EYFS >through Primary and into Secondary Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England4
Common Format for each of the 6 areas of Learning Curriculum Aims Curriculum Aims Why this area of learning is important Why this area of learning is important 1. Essential knowledge 2. Key skills 3. Cross- curricular studies 4. Breadth of learning 5. Curriculum progression 6. Explanatory text Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England5
Literacy > 4 Essentials 1. Listen attentively, talk clearly and confidently 2. Read accurately and fluently to comprehend and critically respond 3. Write, present and broadcast 4. Analyse, evaluate and criticise Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England7
Numeracy > 4 Essentials 1. Represent and model situations using mathematics 2. Use numbers and measurements 3. Interpret and interrogate mathematical data 4. Use mathematics to justify and support decisions and proposals Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England8
ICT capability > 4 Essentials 1. Find and select information 2. Create, manipulate and process 3. Collaborate, communicate and share 4. Refine and improve their work Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England9
Essential Learning and Thinking Skills 1. Investigate 2. Create and develop 3. Communicate 4. Evaluate Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England10
Personal and emotional skills 1. Identify their strengths 2. Manage their feelings 3. Reflect 4. Set goals 5. Work independently 6. Develop control over their physical skills and movements Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England11
Social Skills 1. Listen and respond appropriately 2. Adapt their behaviour 3. Work collaboratively 4. Take turns and share 5. Negotiate 6. Give constructive support and feedback Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England12
Reduced prescription with greater professional judgement New curriculum is set out in 3 phases 1. Early Primary 2. Middle Primary 3. Later Primary Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England13
Encourages active learning Active and applied across all of the primary phase Active and applied across all of the primary phase Ensure pupils are fully prepared for the opportunities and challenges of life in the 21 st century Ensure pupils are fully prepared for the opportunities and challenges of life in the 21 st century Encourages flexibility to tailor learning to local circumstances Encourages flexibility to tailor learning to local circumstances Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England14
Continuous School Improvement Continuous School Improvement Stresses need for self assessment, renewal, development and review of the effectiveness of your curriculum Stresses need for self assessment, renewal, development and review of the effectiveness of your curriculum Recommendations for strengthening the quality of teacher assessment Recommendations for strengthening the quality of teacher assessment Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Assessments Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Assessments The importance of Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural development including promoting British Values The importance of Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural development including promoting British Values English and Maths tests at the end of Key Stages English and Maths tests at the end of Key Stages Greater focus on teacher assessments – Phonics Tests – continued emphasis on English and Maths Greater focus on teacher assessments – Phonics Tests – continued emphasis on English and Maths Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England15
P scales remain P scales still relevant for those below NC levels P scales still relevant for those below NC levels Assessments based on the Key Stages Assessments based on the Key Stages End of Key Stage descriptors being published End of Key Stage descriptors being published Schools developing their own levels many still using the old National Curriculum levels awaiting National guidance and comparisons Schools developing their own levels many still using the old National Curriculum levels awaiting National guidance and comparisons Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England16
MARIA LANDY Specialist in SEN&D mtfl ltd – More Time For Learning Contact details: Mobile: Maria Landy introduces the Primary National Curriculum in England17