Types of Pupil Premium 2013/14 Jim Haywood Product Manager for Statutory Returns Version 1.1.


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Presentation transcript:

Types of Pupil Premium 2013/14 Jim Haywood Product Manager for Statutory Returns Version 1.1

DPP (Deprivation Pupil Premium)

DPP Amount  £900 multiplied by FTE per eligible pupil for 2013/14 3

DPP (Deprivation Pupil Premium) Establishments Subject to the School Census  Data on pupils in every primary, secondary and special school in England is collected termly via the School Census.  The count point for the 2013 Spring School Census is 17th January  All pupils aged 4 and over as at 31 August 2012 in Reception to Year 11 (or aged 4 to 15 where National Curriculum year groups do not apply) as recorded on the January 2013 School Census who are known to have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in the previous six years (known as Ever 6). 4

DPP (Deprivation Pupil Premium) Establishments Subject to the School Census (continued)  FSM eligibility in the previous six years has been determined by those pupils recorded on the January 2013 School Census who were recorded as known to be eligible for FSM on any of the censuses (School Census, Pupil Referral Unit Census and Alternative Provision Census) since Summer  January 2013, Autumn 2012 and Summer 2012  January 2012, Autumn 2011 and Summer 2011  January 2011, Autumn 2010 and Summer 2010  January 2010, Autumn 2009 and Summer 2009  January 2009, Autumn 2008 and Summer 2008  January 2008, Autumn 2007 and Summer

DPP (Deprivation Pupil Premium) General Hospital Schools Subject to SLASC (School Level Annual School Census)  Data on pupils in general hospital schools in England is collected annually via SLASC.  The count point for 2013 is 17th January.  All pupils aged 4 and over as at 31 August 2012 in Reception to Year 11 (or aged 4 to 15 where National Curriculum year groups do not apply) as recorded on the January 2013 SLASC recorded as known to be eligible for FSM. 6

DPP (Deprivation Pupil Premium) Establishments Subject to the PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) Census  Data on pupils in Pupil PRUs in England is collected annually via the PRU Census.  The count point for 2013 is 17th January.  All pupils aged 4 and over as at 31 August 2012 in Reception to Year 11 (or aged 4 to 15 where National Curriculum year groups do not apply) as recorded on the January 2013 PRU Census who are known to have been eligible for FSM in any of the censuses in the previous six years.  FSM eligibility in the previous six years has been determined by those pupils recorded on the January 2013 PRU Census who were recorded as known to be eligible for FSM on any of the censuses (SC, PRU, AP censuses) since Summer 2007, including the January 2013 censuses. 7

SCP (Service Child Premium)

SCP Amount  £300 multiplied by FTE per eligible pupil for 2013/14 9

SCP (Service Child Premium) Establishments Subject to School Census  All pupils aged 4 and over as at 31 August 2012 in Reception to Year 11 (or aged 4 to 15 where National Curriculum year groups do not apply) as recorded on the January 2013 School Census.  Service child in the previous three years has been determined by those pupils recorded on the January 2013 School Census who were recorded as known to be service children on any of the Censuses (School Census, PRU, AP Censuses) since January

SCP (Service Child Premium) Establishments Subject to the PRU Census  All pupils aged 4 and over as at 31 August 2012 in Reception to Year 11 (or aged 4 to 15 where National Curriculum year groups do not apply) as recorded on the January 2013 PRU Census.  Service child in the previous three years has been determined by those pupils recorded on the January 2013 PRU Census who were recorded as known to be service children on any of the Censuses (School Census, PRU, AP Censuses) since January

LAP (Looked After Premium)

LAP (Looked After Premium)) LAP Amount  Currently attracts the DPP amount of £900 per eligible pupil, but for April 2014 more pupils will be eligible and the amount will be described as Pupil Premium Plus and set at £1900  Allocated by the Local Authority. 13

LAP (Looked After Premium) SSDA903 Local Authority Collection  The pupils counted on the SSDA903 will be those pupils that have been continuously looked after for over 6 months aged 4 to 15 at 31 August  The count point for 2013 is 31st March. 14

Download of DPP and SCP Files)

Download of DPP and SCP Files The DfE provided downloads of DPP and SCP in CSV (Comma Separated Value) for 2013/14 on the K2S (Key to Success) website from Monday 8 July 2013 onwards. Search by UPN was also made available for download of DPP and SCP for any pupil. This can be helpful for identifying pupils whose information attracted DPP and SCP for a school they where they were on roll in January but have since moved to a new school. The K2S website is access through Secure Access Each file with have fields for UPN, Name, DOB, Gender and FTE (Full Time Equivalent). The Premium information refers to allocation for the DfE financial year, i.e. April to April, rather the DfE academic years 16

Import of DPP and SCP Files

The SIMS Autumn Release 2013 includes completely new functionality to import, process and the data in these files (Tools | Pupil Premium | Import). The financial year based information is stored along with a calculated equivalent of this information for academic years, e.g. DPP for financial year 2013/14 indicates DPP for academic years 2012/13 and 2013/14. The calculated equivalent academic year information is use to add ticks for the Pupil Premium Indicator. 18

Maintenance of Pupil Premium Information

The SIMS Autumn Release 2013 also include completely new functionality for maintain the Pupil Premium information (Tools | Pupil Premium | Maintain). This can be particularly helpful adding LAP information that is made available by LAs outside of the K2S downloads. 20

Thank you for your time