The Status and Future of Integrative and Organ Systems Sciences October 20 – 21, 2002 Bethesda, MD Sponsored by:APS and ASPET Co-sponsors: Burroughs Wellcome Fund Merck Research Laboratories Astra Zeneca
Life Sciences Research Office (LSRO) Michael Falk Executive Director
Mission To benefit society by evaluating biological information and scientific opinion for the public and private sectors
Steering Committee James R. Bloedel Joseph R. Haywood D. Euan MacIntyre Peter C. Preusch James H. Woods Edward J. Zambraski
Alternate Terms Integrative Systems Biology Organ Systems Translational Pre-clinical In vivo
Definitions Reductionist approaches are aimed at identifying molecular and cellular events, studied in purified form or in isolated systems and including genomics, proteomics, biochemistry and cell biology. Integrative and Organ Systems approaches are aimed at understanding how intact biological systems function at the level of whole animals, organs and organ systems (but not in the clinic).
Challenge Is this a real phenomenon or just perceptual? What data can we use to define the problem? Why is it happening? Can the causes by enumerated and assessed?