Chapter #10 Societal Concerns
T and D in the future Basic skills training English Disabilities OLDER Workers Teleworkers
Development in the future EE evaluation techniques Tech obsolescence prevention Foreign cultures Substance abuse Stress Time management
cont. Sexual Harassment training Customer service Team skills Diversity Wellness Safety
Basic skills Reading, writing, speaking, math 40 millions in US over age 16 are functionally illiterate 21% of American workers – US Dept. of Education
Functionally illiterate cannot draft letter only simple add and subtract skills
Survey by National Inst of Literacy (NIFL) US Business loses $60 Million in lost productivity due to illiteracy yet only 5% of firms do anything about it. need to teach basic skills
Basic Skills Training Task analysis Person analysis Learning objectives
School to Work Programs Act (1994) Only 1/3 high school grads go to college Helps 2/3 grads transition successfully to work
English Training Problem: identifying those who need help Example John Hopkins – University of Maryland – Professors have to pass fluency tests.
The Disabled Two major laws Vocational Rehabilitation Act − requires er to use affirmative action to hire disabled ADA
Research Missing extremities 1million Deformities (birth) 12.8 million Hearing 4 million Paralysis.4 million Speech 1.1 million Visual 4.3 million Other 3.7 million 2 or more 9.9 million
Older Workers Labor Dept. Stats Ees over 55 are 25% of workforce More than 1 million have returned Account for more than 22% of job growth 15% over 65 work part/full time
more Labor Dept facts over age 60 learn great better work ethic no difference in productivity better job satisfaction less turnover less mental problems better basic skills
T&D Programs for Older Workers More relaxed Step by step Experiential learning Self paced Must be relevant Pre retirement education
Adults, Dislocated, Layoffs and Youth Workforce Investment Act (1998) state by state literacy programs job training, assessment, counseling offered to all adults, drop outs, homeless, runaways
Telecommuting Training 19.6 million telecommute in US Training programs must include SELF MANAGEMENT SKILLS HOME OFFICE SET UP CLEAR PERFORMANCE GOALS BRING IN TO COMMUNICATE REGULARLY
Managers and professionals Performance evaluation training
Cross cultural training $150 – 250,000 for each mngr. 20% return before job complete Can’t adapt to new culture Departure training
Professional Obsolescence Stagnant growth No new knowledge lifelong learning learning organizations professional organizations
Employee Assistance Programs (90%) firms have them offered at no charge for ee and for families outsourced to independent firms
EAP cont. provide needed training stress drug/alcohol mental problems financial weight conflict mgnt
Stress Mngt Training #1 problem in US Business Cost billion Causes: ½ OF ALL MISSED DAYS 40% of T.O. workplace violence – #2 cause of death at work
Time Management Training Higher goals mean more time limits Increased pace of work greater need for more productivity
Sexual Harassment Training
Diversity Training Hispanic ees growing 5X faster than general population Asians and Hispanics will represent ½ of all job growth over next 50 years Whites will become minority this century. 60% of US women work
Wellness Training To decrease insurance costs Exercise Life style training Obesity Drugs Ergonomics Parenting
Safety Training Accidents and work related illness cost to US business 121 billion yearly.
Customer Service Training
Team Skills Training Cross training 360 feedback Problem solving Role clarification Conflict resolution