European Social Fund Cohesion Policy EU cohesion policy & social economy Dominique Bé, European Commission Worker ownership: the synthesis between entrepreneurial development & social inclusion 2 October 2008, CECOP–CICOPA Europe, Brussels
European Social Fund Structural funds The origins
European Social Fund The origins In order to improve opportunities of employment of workers in the Common Market & thus contribute to raising the standard of living, a ESF shall hereby be established (…) it shall have the task of promoting within the Community employment facilities & the geographical & occupational mobility of workers. Art. 123 Treaty of Rome
European Social Fund The origins s ESF a means to “compensate” for job losses retraining allowances for workers in restructuring sectors resettlement help for migrants all sectors but agriculture managed by the Commission assisted by ESF Committee
European Social Fund The origins 1970s: major challenges Structural Funds ESF helping people across Europe to gain new skills ERDF (1975) developing infrastructure of regions lagging behind
European Social Fund The origins s: globalising world new ESF priorities IT training youth, women, active ageing from compensating unemployment to promoting employment Cohesion Fund (1994) transport infrastructure environment
European Social Fund The origins 2000s: supporting Lisbon strategy to strengthen economic & social cohesion of enlarged EU in order to promote harmonious, balanced & sustainable development strengthening growth, competitiveness, employment & social inclusion protecting & improving quality of environment
European Social Fund Structural Funds Background
European Social Fund Background Objectives & Funds ERDFESF Cohesion Fund convergence regional competitiveness & employment European territorial cooperation ERDF ESF ObjectivesFunds infrastructure, innovation, investments vocat. training, employment aids environment, transport, renewable energy all Member States & regions Member States GNI/cap < 90%
European Social Fund Convergence (<75% GDP/cap) Regional Competitiveness & Employment 314 mio hab. 170 mio hab.
European Social Fund European Territorial Co-operation
European Social Fund Cohesion Fund (GNI < 90% EU)
European Social Fund Background Budget Resources share of EU budget ( )
European Social Fund Background Objectives & Funds = 351 bn€
European Social Fund Background allocation per Member State
European Social Fund Background allocation per objective
European Social Fund Background allocation per Fund
European Social Fund Background allocation per capita
European Social Fund Background allocation per Fund per capita
European Social Fund Structural Funds Management
European Social Fund Management Shared Management
European Social Fund Management Forms of financing Grants awarded to co-finance specific projects or objectives, usually through calls for proposals Public Contracts awarded through calls for tenders (public procurement) to buy services, goods or works in order to ensure the operations of ESF programmes Shared Management managed by national & regional authorities applications at national or regional level
European Social Fund Structural Funds Supporting Lisbon Strategy
European Social Fund Supporting Lisbon Strategy priorities ERDF direct aid to investment (SMEs) investment in infrastructure support to regional & local development Cohesion Fund transport infrastructure environment
European Social Fund Supporting Lisbon Strategy priorities ESF adaptability: lifelong learning & work organisation access to employment & inclusion in labour market social inclusion: integration in employment & diversity in workplace human capital: reforms in education & training systems & networking activities partnerships institutional capacity & efficiency of public administrations & services
European Social Fund Supporting Lisbon Strategy priorities
European Social Fund Supporting Lisbon Strategy priorities
European Social Fund Supporting Lisbon Strategy 86 themes … R&TD, innovation & entrepreneurship in SMEs support for self-employment & business start-up promotion of environmentally-friendly products & production processes in SMEs access to & use of ICT by SMEs innovative & productive work organisation life-long learning; training for anticipating change & restructuring participation of women, older workers, disadvantaged people, migrants in employment …
European Social Fund More Info