FOUNDATIONS OF INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR Biographical characteristics and ability affect employee’s performance (productivity, absence, turnover) and satisfaction, which determine his/her behavior How to shape the behavior so that it goes on the line with the company’s way ? Biographical characteristics = personal characteristics (age, gender, marital status, tenure)
AGE Older workers are less likely to quit the job : fewer job opportunities + long tenure provides higher wage rates and other benefits, low absenteeism, strong ethic, experience, loyalty, quality avoidable absence - unavoidable absence productivity declines with age ? Job satisfaction between professional and non-professional
GENDER No evidence indicating it affects job satisfaction and productivity absenteeism depends on the culture, social environment and the nature no meaningful conclusion for turnover some important differences still exist : consistency, analytical skill, motivation, sociability, learning ability, physical ability
MARITAL STATUS AND TENUR Married employees : fewer absence, less turnover, more satisfied Productivity ? Widow/widower ? Living together ? The issue : culture influence personality the impact of seniority on performance : experience negatively correlate with absenteeism and turnover tenure and satisfaction is positively related
ABILITY Equality, strengths and weaknesses in terms of ability Management standpoint : knowing how people different in abilities and using that knowledge to increase the likelihood an employee will perform the job well intellectual ability : to perform mental activities, measurement, dimension - test for future performance physical ability : basic factors the ability-job fit : adequate job performance depends on the ability requirements of the job and the capacities of the workers
LEARNING complex behavior is learned. to predict behavior by knowing how people learn learning involves change : to change is to facilitate learning processes theories of learning : classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social learning how to tech the employees in ways that most benefit to the organization = shaping behavior that moves the employees to the desired response by rules and rewards/punishment
PERSONALITY behavior is shaped by personality personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others determinants : the result of the influences of heredity, environment and situation environment : culture in which someone is raised that establish norms, attitudes and values situation influences the effects of heredity and environment traits : primary traits, personality types of Myers-Briggs, the big five model
PERSONALITY (Continued) attributes : locus of control, Machiavellianism, self esteem, self monitoring, risk taking, type A how to utilize those different individuals ? personality-job fit : to match individuals to specific jobs (Holland’s Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupation) personality-organization fit : concerns about the flexibility to meet, organization’s culture and changing situations results : higher satisfaction and reduced turnover
EMOTIONS little attention : emotion-free organization, emotion is disruptive potentials : constructive, ability to stimulate performance- enhancing behaviors and unavoidable emotion : intense feeling or reaction on an object mood : less intense and not directed on an object example, emotional labor and what to do with emotions ? dimensions : variety, intensity, frequency and duration men’s and women’s emotions : job and organization fit external constraints : organization, culture-professionalism
THE APPLICATIONS selection process - emotional intelligence decision making motivation leadership interpersonal conflict deviant workplace behavior