Using barcodes To Enter Student Absences And Student Course Requests
Jefferson County Schools Has 3 of its 4 middle schools and both high schools using Barcode Scanning to record Student Daily Absences Has 3 of its 4 middle schools and both high schools using Barcode Scanning to record Student Daily Absences Has both high schools and 3 of 4 middle schools using Barcode Scanning to enter Student Course Requests for Scheduling Has both high schools and 3 of 4 middle schools using Barcode Scanning to enter Student Course Requests for Scheduling
39_TallText The barcode font used is called 39_TallText The barcode font used is called 39_TallText It is a public domain font created by Eric Phelps and can be downloaded from index.htm It is a public domain font created by Eric Phelps and can be downloaded from index.htm
Points to Keep in Mind DO NOT make the barcode bold face DO NOT make the barcode bold face Keep the size larger than 10 Keep the size larger than 10 Do Not print out on an inkjet printer Do Not print out on an inkjet printer Encase with parenthesis ( ) Encase with parenthesis ( ) Use underscore for every space to get from one field to the next Use underscore for every space to get from one field to the next
Detailed Features Decode capability: U.P.C./EAN, U.P.C./EAN with Supplementals, UCC/EAN 128, Code 39, Code 39 Full ASCII, Code 39 TriOptic, Code 128, Code 128 Full ASCII, Codabar, Interleaved 2 of 5, Discrete 2 of 5, Code 93, MSI, Code 11, IATA, RSS variants, Chinese 2 of 5 Decode capability: U.P.C./EAN, U.P.C./EAN with Supplementals, UCC/EAN 128, Code 39, Code 39 Full ASCII, Code 39 TriOptic, Code 128, Code 128 Full ASCII, Codabar, Interleaved 2 of 5, Discrete 2 of 5, Code 93, MSI, Code 11, IATA, RSS variants, Chinese 2 of 5 Interface: USB Interface: USB