CLA webinar: SHRM FOUNDATION July 23, 2014 Ashlee Droscher Smith, Director of Development
Agenda SHRM Foundation Overview 2014: Accomplishments and Anticipate How we can help you GREAT IDEAS Q & A
Who are we: SHRM Foundation Vision The SHRM Foundation is the globally recognized catalyst for shaping human resource thought leadership and research. SHRM Foundation Mission The SHRM Foundation advances global human capital knowledge and practice by – providing thought leadership and educational support, and sponsoring, funding and – driving the adoption of cutting-edge, actionable, evidence-based research.
What we do:
Educational Products Accomplishments: New case study DVD: Investing in Older Workers Launch of Thought Leadership Report: Evolution of Work and the Worker Anticipate: Aging Workforce Initiative products: – Effective Practice Guidelines Report – Two Executive Briefings: Strategically Engaging the Older Worker and Overcoming Ageism in the Workplace – Executive Round Table held June 5, and event summary will be available New Effective Practice Guidelines Report: Leveraging Workplace Flexibility for Engagement and Productivity All products are available for complimentary download at:
Research Accomplishments: Research grants: 32 grant proposals received, and 2 were conditionally funded for a total of $215,000: Bridging Communication Gaps in HR by Mapping Constructs and Findings Free-Riding in Global Virtual Teams: An Experimental Study of Antecedents and Strategies to Minimize the Problem Sixteen research projects are currently in process totaling $1,555,497 Anticipate: Upcoming submission deadline: October 1 The SHRM Foundation is the leading funder of HR research.
Research Thought Leadership Initiative: With the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) conducting a multi-phase program to identify and analyze critical trends likely to impact the workplace in the next 5-10 years. Three themes: 1.Evolution of 'Work' and the 'Worker' 2.Engaging and Integrating a Global Workforce 3.Use of Talent Analytics for Competitive Advantage Digital Hub: Follow on twitter: #FutureHRTrends
Digital Hub: Follow on twitter: #FutureHRTrends
Scholarship & Awards Accomplishments: Debbie Mackey, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville is awarded Advisor of the Year Passed deadlines: Scholarships for HR Professionals HRM Impact Awards Dissertation Awards Losey HR Research Award Anticipate: Susan R. Meisinger Fellowship for Graduate Study in HR deadline: August 18, 2014 SHRM Foundation Student Scholarship Program deadline: November 1, 2014
Annual Campaign Revenue SHRM Foundation Annual Campaign State and Chapter Gifts State and Chapter Leadership Campaigns Board Gifts Leadership Circle Corporate Gifts Sponsorship Matching Gifts In Lieu of Speaker Fees Honorariums and Memorials Individual Gifts Special Events Give on the Go
Annual Campaign Status, as of July 22, 2014 Almost $200,000 received! State Councils donations slightly above $20,000 Chapter donations slightly above $70,000
Volunteer Leader Role Educate You are the Foundation’s ambassador! Share the news of our accomplishments and invite your colleagues to join us! Fundraise Ask for support, create a Leadership Campaign, build a special event, develop opportunities for all to engage and give.
Resources SHRM Foundation web site: (click the Volunteer Resources tab on the top-right) – Always start with the “Volunteer Success Guide” – Fundraising – Donation Form – Best Practices – Innovative Ideas – Auction Information – Submit Fundraising Ideas – FAQs on Submitting Donations – Fundraising Reports – Sorted by Region, Then by State Volunteer Leaders’ Resource Center SHRM Foundation Staff
GREAT IDEAS! Kenneth Rodriguez SPHR-CA, SAHRA Treasurer
Contact us! Ashlee Droscher Smith, M.S. Director, Development Request resources: Elissa Soares Foundation Administrator