Atom and Periodic Table Review Chapter 4 and 5
How do we determine the number of Atom Basics How do we determine the number of Protons Neutrons Electrons Valance Electrons Energy Levels Look at atomic # Mass – Atomic # Look at group # Look at period #
Atom Basics What does Borh’s model look like? Center with number of protons and neutrons labels Rings with dots on them to represent electrons 1st ring has 2 dots, 2nd ring has 8 dots, 3rd ring has 18 dots What does a Lewis Dot model look like? Elements symbol with dots around it to represent the number of VALANCE electrons Remember put one dot on each side to begin with, only double up with 5 or more electrons.
Periodic Table Basics Where are the following types of elements located Metals Nonmetals Metalloids To the left of the solid stair step line To the right of the solid stair step line Sitting on or below the stair step line
Periodic Table Basics Transition Metals Group Names N O B L E G A S Alkal I Metal A E L A K R A T L H I N E M T A L S B O R N F am i l Y C A R B O N F am i l Y N I T R O G E F A M L Y O X Y G E N F A M I L H A L O G E N Transition Metals
Complete the Atom and Periodic Table Practice