Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 1 The Challenge of Diversity Terry Turner, Broadcom/Telecom Eireann Rob Davison, BT BT, Deutsche Telekom, Portugal Telecom, Sonera (TF), Telecom Eireann January March 1999 EURESCOM P812 - TMN Evolution BM SML NE EML NML
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 2 What do we mean by “TMN”? Here, TMN = ITU’s M.3010 and relations Architecture - functionality and structure Standards - interfaces to network elements,.. Technology - CMIS/CMIP, GDMO, …...
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 3 TMN’s Status - Dittberner Report those compliant tended to be large vendors’ products for large operators
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 4 TMN’s Status - P812 interviews implementation skills are scarce technology is not IT mainstream toolkits slow to emerge and expensive standards too complex with too many options doesn’t help with legacy bad reputation amongst early users
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 5 The need for TMN standards originally (1988) –separate OS supply from NE supply now include –support diversity of telecom marketplace –ensure supply of management software –reduce risks of large expenditures even greater need for interoperability now than before
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 6 Forces for change Rules of the marketplace New & changing players Software technology New network technology
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 7 ITU’s SG4 …... TMN Architecture M.3010 M.301x M301y
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 8 TMN Issues An Issue is something that slows the progress of arriving at a complete TMN. Issues categorised as related to Service Providers’ Needs TMN Architectures and Standards New and Emerging Technologies Addressing the Issues - Who, When?
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 9 Drivers of TMN Evolution allow move to IT solutions multi-protocol solutions better handling of legacy ?
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 10 Drivers of TMN Evolution operator-operator & customer-operator gateways - audited fairness, security network management as a service
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 11 Drivers of TMN Evolution Service management more like commerce than network management drive to use common IT approaches wary to include in TMN standards yet
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 12 Drivers of TMN Evolution Separation of network control into middleware blurring control vs management distinction open control, active networks, TINA, ….
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 13 Drivers of TMN Evolution adopt SNMPv3 improve SNMP work with IETF to adopt CMIS
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 14 Drivers of TMN Evolution inter-operability of components/applications Common API’s to support services Is it a telecoms specific issue ?
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 15 Bottom-Line of TMN Evolution TMN is not universal or all-encompassing state why and when should apply TMN identify areas TMN should cover
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 16 P812 Results D1 TMN Evolution Annex A, B - Status - Needs and Review of architecture and technology Annex C Issues - Uncertainties about TMN (35) Annex D Case- Studies/Recommendations Annex E Service Providers’ Needs for TM Web site - www. eurescom.de/public/deliverables/wwwdeli.htm
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 17 P812 Case Studies use of CORBA for producing agent interfaces to element managers adequacy of SNMP v3 in TMN impact of increased distribution of management system impact of web technology impact of active networks MSM architecture and methodology (P610) Tutorial value !!!
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 18 Concluding Remarks evolve to survive today - large vendors and large operators where stability exists and investment is high Where is stability needed or possible tomorrow ? Industry specific needs form TMN’s niche *** A New Paradigm for a New Millennium? *** Maybe!
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 19 So Where is TMN going? Rules of the marketplace New & changing players Software technology New network technology
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 20 So Where is TMN going? Stagnate & Decline Fragmentation Convergence Separate Development DT IP DN Overlapping Devel.
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 21 P812 Salute to the project contributors! Thanks to Luc Thanks for your attention Comments, Questions? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
Terry Turner, TI Inter-Operator TMN & OSS Workshop Prague, March 1999 Slide 22