THE AFMC MOASP Air Force Materiel Command D. Brian Morris HQ AFMC/PKV (937) I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Developing, Fielding, and Sustaining America’s Aerospace Force
2 AFMC MOASP Management and Oversight of Acquisition of Services Process NOT Mother of All Stupid Processes
3 BACKGROUND FY 02 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) PL Section 2303(a)(1): “The Secretary of Defense shall establish and implement a management structure for the procurement of services for DoD” Section 2330(b): “…provide for a Designated Official in each military department…”
4 BACKGROUND Section 2330(b)(A): DO’s shall ensure services are procured by contracts or task orders that are: - in the best interest of DoD - issued and managed in compliance With statutes, regulations, directives, and other requirements - whether issued through DoD or by by an outside agency
5 BACKGROUND Summarizing the law: Establishes Designated Officials Applicable to all contracts or task orders Requires management, oversight and reporting Data collection/reporting threshold at SAT
6 EVOLUTION 31 May USD issues guidance for Acquisition of Services to move DoD to a more strategic and integrated approach to the acquisition of services 7 Feb USD approves Air Force MOASP process 3 Jun ASAF(AQ) implements USAF MOASP and directs MAJCOMS to provide MOASPs not later than 45 days from this date
MOASP EVOLUTION Jun 2003 HQ AFMC MOASP process began Jul 2003 – AFMC field comments received Jul 2003 – SAF/AQC & AFPEO/SV “summit” extends MAJCOM submittal date to Sep 03 Sep AFMC 2-Ltr coordination complete
8 MOASP EVOLUTION AFMC MOASP submitted to AFPEO/CM Sep 2003 “Resolution” of PEO/DAC restructure Jan2004 AFPEO/CM Approval received 9 Jan 2004 AFMC MOASP released 17 Mar 2004
9 MOASP SUMMARY APPLICABILITY: ALL AFMC services acquisitions procured through a contract or task order issued within the DoD or through a contract or task order issued by an official of the United States outside the DoD
10 MOASP SUMMARY EXCEPTIONS: Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) Services, Construction, Architect- Engineering or Housing/Utilities Privatization
11 MOASP SUMMARY DESIGNATED OFFICIAL (DO): AFMC Center Commanders are the DO’s and have the authority to delegate this authority RESPONSIBILITIES: DO’s approve, in advance, all services acquisitions and ensure they are based on a strategic approach and that business arrangements comply with applicable statutes, regulations and policies
12 MOASP SUMMARY MANAGEMENT CONTROLS: establish management processes for each contract or task order, whether issued within or outside of DoD - Pre-award - - Conduct an ASP - - Approve acquisition strategy - - Approve performance objectives and metrics - - Approve the solicitation and contract award prior to release
13 MOASP SUMMARY - Post-award: - - Conduct post award review 30 days after the contractor’s full assumption of contract workload contractor successfully completed transition is fully operational and within estimated budget
14 MOASP SUMMARY Designated Official Total Estimated Acquisition Value A-76 Studies Information Technology (IT) USD (AT&L) or AFAE >$2 Billion AFPEO/CM>$100 Million300+ FTEs HQ AFMC>$5 Million<300 FTEs>$5 Million OASD/NII> $32 Million any one year, total program costs >$126M or total Life Cycle Costs >$378M
15 MOASP SUMMARY REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: - Annual reporting is required at SAT - AFPEO/CM collects data WAIVER PROCESS: AFMC DO’s may not waive the reporting requirements or management controls contained in this MOASP without prior approval of HQ AFMC/PK