Demography and Diversity Management approaches in the Balearic Islands KANVASS Conference Potsdam, 5th March 2008 Grace Mayer
Demographics Balearic Islands Population ,030,650 Density inhab./km 2 As a proportion of total Spanish population 2.2%
Population and density by islands (2005) IslandPopulation% total Baleares Density inhab./ km 2 Mallorca ,12%214,84 Ibiza ,30% Menorca % Formentera %90.17
Demographic Evolution in the Balearic Islands YearPopulation , , , , , , , ,327 YearPopulation , , , , , , ,030,650
Population growth in the Balearic Islands
Ageing population In 1991, the low birth rate, combined with increased life expectancy, had contributed to the ageing of the population, increasing the percentage of over 65s in the population to 14.23% Growing immigration during the 1990s and until 2006 served to alleviate this problem somewhat, so that in 2007 Baleares was one of the regions in Spain with less of an ageing population problem and a lower percentage of over 60s % than in 1991 (nationally: 16.7%)
Ageing population Unemployed persons over the age of 50 by sex and occupational sector, Balearic Islands 2005
Changing demographics Immigration in the Baleares Evolution of the population of the Baleares (absolute figures). Source: IBAE/INE Born in the Balearic Islands Born in the rest of Spain Born abroadTotal ,862140,56823,848679, ,866150,48031,072709, ,030162,99246,251760, ,974172,51853,973796, ,739196,25391, ,627 As a percentage of total population: % %
Changing demographics Immigration in the Baleares Baleares is the Autonomous Community with the highest proportion of foreign inhabitants in Spain: persons, 18.45% of total population (1/1/2007), up from 15.75% in ,66% of the foreigners come from the EU (Germay 14,59%, UK 9,58%,Italy 5,4%, France 3,60%. 34,34% come from Latin America (Ecuador 10,32%, Argentina 7,62%, Colombia 5,95%,Uruguay 2,39%). 11,02% come from N. Africa, mainly Marocco, and 7,54% from E. Europe, especially Rumania and Bulgaria.
Diversity Management approach in the Baleares Multi-stakeholder networks: Regional and local government Unions Employers: especially SME and non-profit Learning from transnational partnerships: EQUAL I - LOFT ESF Article 6 - Fair Play for Older Workers EQUAL II - INSEX, EQUIBAL, EQUILIBRIO Leonardo da Vinci - ALL TALL, VOTE ALL
Development of Diversity Management in the Baleares Filoxenia - Illes d’Acolliment - LOFT Combating racism, integrating immigrants IEP, Intercultural Mediator, Housing, Networks Spain - Germany - the UK ESF Article 6 Fair Play for Older Workers Researching demographic change Survey: Employers’ attitudes to older workers Devt. and piloting of the Age Briefcase and Age Driver with SME in Mallorca and Menorca Idem Skills Analysis Toolkit for Older Workers
Development of Diversity Management in the Baleares EQUAL II - INSEX, EQUIBAL, EQUILIBRIO Target groups include the disabled, families with dependents, young people, women particularly + 45, as well as immigrants. New professional profile: Diversity Agent Leonardo da Vinci - ALL TALL, VOTE ALL ALL TALL: Equality and Diversity in the European Classroom - a 6 country study and Recommendations to VET policy- & decision- makers VOTE ALL Valorising Older Trainers’ LLL
Good practice in DM: The Age Briefcase INTRODUCTION - Why age issues are important THE BUSINESS CASE -The business benefits of adopting age related strategies LEGISLATION “THINKING ABOUT”-Tick lists of issues to be addressed THE AGE DRIVER- A self assessment tool to assess where you are now, and identify priorities CASE STUDIES – How other organisations have met the challenges of Age diversity FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FURTHER RESOURCES and BACKGROUND READING - A selection of useful articles and web links
Good practice in Diversity Management: The Age Driver Assessment Workshop objectives: To complete a perception based assessment of strengths and areas for improvement in relation to Age Diversity. To prioritise the areas for improvement with a view to forming objectives for an Age Diversity Action Plan Process, aided by a facilitator: Self-assessment by a team representative of the organisation’s staff Reviewing assessments and reaching consensus Drawing out Strengths and Prioritised Areas for Improvement Development into an Action Plan / Improvement Plan
Good practice in Diversity Management: The Age Driver Areas of Assessment: Leadership How well do leaders within the organisation act as role models for diversity? People Do we manage our people in a way that is consistent with our diversity objectives? Policy & Strategy Do we have a clear understanding of what diversity means in the context of our business objectives?
Good practice in Diversity Management: The Age Driver Areas of Assessment (cont’d): Partnerships & Resources Do we manage our suppliers, partners and other resources in a way that is consistent with our diversity objectives? Processes Is the way we do things in practice consistent with what we are trying to achieve with our diversity strategy? Results Are we achieving what we should be achieving with regard to our diversity objectives?
Good practice in DM: The Skills Toolkit for Older Workers A self-assessment toolkit Personal competency profile Identifying skills you have developed (and how to demonstrate this to a potential employer) Key strengths Roles you can or wish to do Personal action plan CV writing Competency-based interviews Further resources
Good practice in DM: The Skills Toolkit for Older Workers What do I want to do next in my life? What skills have I got to offer? Who can I offer these to? Where are the opportunities? What do I need to show them? Am I ready for paid work/voluntary work? How do I apply? How do I put together a CV? What will they ask at the interview? How do I need to prepare? Where can I get help and advice?
Demography and Diversity Management approaches in the Balearic Islands KANVASS Conference 5th March 2008 Potsdam Grace Mayer