Radiology Packet 39 Male Reproductive
11-year old M Samoyed “Stormy” Hx: Presenting signs include dysuria and pollakiuria. Hind end weakness has been noticed for the past week.
11-year old M Samoyed “Stormy” RF –In the caudal abdomen there are two round to oval soft-tissue opacity structures. –The more caudally located structure extends into the pelvic canal. –Gas bubbles are seen associated with this structure but they are likely present in overlying bowel. RD –Prostatomegaly R/O –Paraprostatic cyst –Benign prostatic hyperplasia –Prostatic neoplasia –Prostatitis Next –Ultrasound
9-year old M Rottweiler “Goliath” Hx: This dog is used for breeding. He presents with a complain of blood present at the beginning of urination. The problem is worse if he has been bred recently.
9-year old M Rottweiler “Goliath” RF –The spleen is mildly enlarged. –There is a large mass of soft tissue opacity in the caudoventral abdomen, extending into the pelvic canal. –The mass is caudal to and in contact with the bladder. –The prostate is ~100% of the sacro-pubic distance in the lateral radiogaphic projection. –A small area of mineralization is present within the prostate. –There is an incidental finding of several sites of spondylosis in the lumbar spine. RD –Prostatomegaly with evidence of mineralization –Splenomegaly R/O –Prostatitis –Prostatic neoplasia –Splenomegaly due to anesthesia
6-year old M Sheltie “K.C.” Hx: Presented for possible urinary tract infection.
6-year old M Sheltie “K.C.” RF –Multifocal mineralization of the prostate gland is present. –The prostate gland is not enlarged. RD –Mineralization of the prostate gland R/O –Prostatic neoplasia –Chronic/severe prostatitis Next –Ultrasound and biopsy
9-year old M Miniature Schnauzer “Max” Hx: Presented with a history of stranguria, hematuria, and tenesmus.
9-year old M Miniature Schnauzer “Max” RF –In the lateral view the liver extends beyond the costal arches and the caudal margin is slightly rounded. –The pyloric portion of the gastric axis is displaced caudally. –The prostate gland is enlarged. –There are faint, wispy areas of mineralization present in the prostate. –A rounded, poorly defined area of soft tissue opacity is present ventral to L6 and L7, causing ventral displacement of the colon. –Irregular periosteal response is present on the ventral surface of L6 and L7. RD –Mild hepatomegaly –Prostatomegaly with mineralization –Sublumbar lymph node enlargement –Periosteal response ventral L6 and L7 R/O –Prostatic neoplasia with metastasis (adenocarcinoma) Next –Ultrasound and biopsy
11-year old MN Miniature Poodle “Thomas” Hx: Urine dribbling for approximately 1 year. Radiographs from 3 months prior showed a “mass” in the caudal abdomen and ruptured urethra.
11-year old MN Miniature Poodle “Thomas” RF –The liver is mildly enlarged. –The prostate is seen as a rounded area of soft tissue opacity with slightly irregular margins at the caudal extent of the bladder. –The prostate is considered enlarged for a neutered male. –There is an ill-defined mass of soft tissue opacity in the retroperitoneal area ventral to L5-L7. –Proliferative response is present ventral to L4-L7. The caudal portion of the sacrum has undergone extensive lysis. –Multiple interstitial nodules are present in the visible lung tissue. RD –Mild hepatomegaly –Prostatomegaly –Sublumbar lymph node enlargement –Proliferative and destructive lesions of the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum –Multiple pulmonary interstitial nodules R/O –Prostatic neoplasia with metastasis (adenocarcinoma) Next –Ultrasound and biopsy
9-year old M West Highland White Terrier “McDuff” Hx: Presented for evaluation of a palpable abdominal mass.
9-year old M West Highland White Terrier “McDuff” RF –The liver is minimally enlarged. –There is a large mass of soft tissue opacity in the right caudoventral abdominal quadrant. –There is a mild diffuse increase in opacity of the right lung fields in the lateral view probably due to lateral recumbency prior to dorsal recumbency. RD –Abdominal mass – right caudoventral abdominal cavity R/O –Retained testicular mass (on PE the dog is intact but only one descended testicle is present). –Gastrointestinal mass