Male Reproductive Systems: For Discussion: True or False? 2. Sperm cells are considered by a man’s immune system as “non-self” and are attacked by a man’s own white blood cells. 1. Sperm cells in the female reproductive tract are considered by a woman’s immune system to be “non-self” and are attacked by her phagocytic white blood cells. 3.A woman, in her reproductive lifetime, has the potential to produce about 500,000 eggs, but she will only ever use about 500. True 4. The average man, in a single average ejaculation of semen, emits more reproductive cells than the average woman produces in her reproductive lifetime. True, about 420 million per average ejaculate, he produces about 4 million/hour 5. Only one sperm may fertilize an egg in humans. True 6. Only about 1 in 42,000 sperm, or % of the sperm in an average ejaculation reach the egg.
The Male Reproductive System-________ and __________ _______ _____ and__________ them, along with their ___________ _______, into the _______ ____________ _____ -________ and ________ _____ ____ _________ Urinary bladder Pubic bone Ductus (vas) deferens Urethra Corpus cavernosum Corpus spongiusum Glans penis Prepuce (foreskin) Ureter Large intestine Seminal vesicle Ejaculatory duct Prostate gland Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) gland Anus Epididymus Testis Scrotum Penis producesmaintainssperm cells transports supportingfluids femalereproductivetract producessecretesmalesex hormones
The Male Reproductive System I. Testes-_____ ________ ____ _______ -_______ ______ and _____ ____ _________ -_______ within the _________ -_____ within the __________ _______, __________ by ___________ to _________ into the _________ ____ _______ before _____ through the ________ ______, led by the _____________, which ________ the ______ to the _______ of the ________ Ever hear of a “gubanatorial election”? It’s from the Latin for “steersman!” R x – Inguinal hernia-in about ___________ of ______, the _______ of ___________ that _______ through the _________ ______ _________ _____; _________ for a _____ of _________ to be _______ through the _________ ______ under ______ _________, like getting _________ in a ________ ______ vaginal process maleprimarysexorgans producespermmalesexhormones housed scrotum form abdominalcavitystimulated testosteronedescendscrotum1-2 monthsbirthinguinalcanal gubernaculumanchorstestis bottom scrotum one-fourthmalespouch peritoneum moves inguinal canalremainsopenallowingloop intestineforcedinguinal canalgreatpressure dogpiledfootballgame
I. Testes R x – Cryptorchidism-_______ of ____ or _____ of the ______ to ________ into the ________, which has an _______ ____________ of about _______ (_____) -________ ______ ____________, ______ (_______) is too _____ for _______ to ________ -______-__________ _____ __________, _______ to _________ -______ to __________ _____ of _________ _______ R x – Inguinal hernia-if the _____ becomes ___________ in the ________ ______, the ______ _______ can be ____ ____, ________ a ____________ _______, in which the ______ will ____ without ________ ________ _________ loopconstrictedinguinal canal bloodsupplycutoff creatingstrangulatedhernia tissuediepromptsurgical treatment failureonebothtestes descendscrotuminternal temperature34.4 ºC 94 ºF internalbodytemperature37 ºC 98.6 ºFhigh spermsurvive spermproducing cells degenerateleading infertility leadsincreasedrisktesticular cancer
I. Testes-structure A. Tunica albuginea-______, ______ ________ ________ ___________ each ______ and ___________ the ______ of each ______ into about _____ ________ Tunica albuginea toughwhitefibrouscapsule surroundingtestis subdividinginsidetestis 250lobules
I. Testes-structure B. Seminiferous tubules-each _______ ________ ____ ______ ____________ ________, each about ___ ___ _____ (____ _____ _______), which ______ to _____ the ____ _____, which in turn _____ ______ that ______ into the ___________, which __________ into the _______ _______ Rete testis Epididymus Ductus deferens -_____ within the ______ of the ____________ ________ called _____________ ______ by ________ when __________ by ___________ to _______ _______ _____________, which ______ by ________ to ________ ____________ Seminiferous tubules Spermatozoa Spermatogonia lobulecontains1-4coiled seminiferoustubules 70cmlong210totalmeters uniteformrete testis formducts empty epididymus continuesductus deferens cellswalls seminiferous tubules spermatogoniadividemitosis stimulatedtestosterone produce primaryspermatocytes dividemeiosis produce spermatozoa
I. Testes B. Seminiferous tubules Basement membrane New Type A spermatogonium New Type B spermatogonium Tight junction Primary spermatocyte Secondary spermatocyte Spermatid Nucleus of sustentacular cell Sustentacular cells Spermatozoa The sustenacular cells and the tight junctions between them form the blood-testis barrier, which prevents access to the sperm by the white blood cells, which would attack them as “non- self”
I. Testes B. Seminiferous tubules 1. Spermatogenesis-________ of _______ within the ______ of the ____________ _______ -__________ at ________, an _______ in ___________ ________ ________ of the ________ _____________ Primary spermatocyte 2n=46 Meiosis I Reduction division Secondary spermatocytes n=23 nnnn Meiosis II Mitotic division spermatids Maturation n n n n spermatozoa creationsperm wallsseminiferoustubules beginningpubertyincrease testosteronetriggersmeiosis primaryspermatocyte
I. Testes B. Seminiferous tubules 1. Spermatogenesis During synapsis of homologous chromosomes during Prophase I, crossing over occurs, resulting in new genetic variation -from ________ to ____ ____, a _____ can ________ about ____ ________ ______ per ____, ________ _______ ______ in ______ is ____ ________ ______ per ___, _____ than ___ _______ ______ per ___ = _________ pubertyoldageman produce100million spermdayaveragesperm countsemen120million spermmLless20 millionspermmLinfertility
I. Testes B. Seminiferous tubules 1. Spermatogenesis a. Sperm structure Acrosome Nucleus Head Midpiece Tail (flagellum) i. Head-_____ up of the _________, which ______ the ______ to _______ its ____ into the ____, and a ______ _________ _______, which _________ ___ ____________ in their _______ ______ (_________) ii. Midpiece-________ ____________ to ________ _______ to ____ the ____ iii. Tail-a ______ __________ madeacrosome allowsspermdigestway egg highly compacted nucleuscontains23 chromosomesdiffusestate chromatin containsmitochondria provideenergylash tail singleflagellum
I. Testes R x – Testicular Cancer-________ for only about ____ of the ________ in ____ in the _____, ________ about ____ ______ _____ _____ -_____ ________ _____ of _______ in ______ ____, _____ ______, ______ from _________ ______ of ________ -______ with the ________ ________ (___________) of the _________ _______ and ________ and/or _____________ to ________ ____________ -______ _____ of the _____ -_________ is on the ____ for ___ _____, _________ is the ________ among ______ ____, _________ those of _____________ ________ accounts1%cancers menU.S.causing390deaths eachyear mostcommontypecanceryoung menages15-34arisesepithelial tissuetubules treatedsurgicalremoval orchiectomyaffectedtesticle radiationchemotherapyprevent reoccurrence cured95%time incidenceriseallmen incidencehighestwhitemen especiallyScandinaviandescent
I. Testes C. Interstitial Cells-_____ of _______ -___ between ____________ ________ in ______ -________ and _______ the _____ ____ _________ into the ____________ Interstitial cells Seminiferous tubules cellsLeydig lieseminiferoustubules testes producesecretemalesex hormonesbloodstream Molecular Structure of Testosterone
II. Epididymides-_____ (____) ______ _______ _______ from ____ and ________ down the _____ of the _____ -___________ with ______ inside ______, _______ the __________, ___________ _______ from _____________ ________ Epididymis -______ of ___________ ________ _________ and other __________ that ________ ______ and _________ their __________, __________ __________ _____________ ______ ______ ______ the _______ of the ___________, _______ __________ ____________ during _________ of ________ _______ ______ into ______ ________ long6 mcoiledtubulesemerge topdescendbacktestes continuousductstestesreceive immaturenon-motilesperm seminiferoustubules cellsepididymissecreteglycogen substancessupportsperm promotematurationrhythmic peristalticcontractionsmovesperm downlengthepididymisviolent peristalticcontractionsemission orgasmpropelspermductusdeferens Ductus deferens
III. Ductus (Vas) Deferentia Epididymis -_________ ______ ___ ___ _____ ________ from the ______ ____ of the ___________ and through the _______ ______ to _____ with the _____ of the ________ ________ to _____ the ___________ _____ Ductus deferens Seminal vesicle Ejaculatory duct -_________ together with the ______, ________, and _______ that _______ the ______ to _____ the _________ ______, which ______ are __________ from -________ __________ ____________ during _________ _______ ______ into ___________ _____ to ____ with the __________ of the ________ ________ and ________ ______ to ______ _______, which _____ the ________ musculartubes45cmlong leadinglowerend epididymisinguinal canalfuseducts seminalvesiclesform ejaculatoryduct sheathedveins arteriesnervessupply testesformspermatic cord testessuspended violentperistalticcontractions emissionpropelsperm ejaculatoryductmix secretionsseminal vesiclesprostategland form semenfills urethra
IV. Seminal Vesicles Epididymis Ductus deferens Seminal vesicle Ejaculatory duct -________ during _________ to ________ a ________ _________ ______ to ________ _______ from becoming too ______ as it ________ through the ________ -________ ______ also ________ ________ to ________ _______ for the ______ as they ______ and _______________, which _________ _______ ____________ within the _______ ____________ _____, _______ in the __________ of _______ towards the _____ (can also _____ _______ ______) contractemissionsecrete slightlyalkalinefluidprevent semenacidic travelsurethra seminal fluidcontainsfructose provideenergysperm swimprostaglandlins stimulatemusclecontractions femalereproductivetractaiding movementspermegg helpinitiatelabor
V. Prostate Gland Epididymis Ductus deferens Seminal vesicle Ejaculatory duct -_________ to ________ a _____, ______ ________ _____ that ______ the _____ of _______, ____________ ______ ______ _________ _________ by the ______ that ________ their ________ -_________ _________ ________ of ______ and __________ the much more ______ ________ of the _______ to _______ ______ Prostate gland contractssecretethinmilky alkalinefluid formsbulk semenneutralizingacidicwaste productsproducedsperm inhibitsmotility alkalinityenhancesmotility sperm neutralizesacidiccontents vaginaprotectsperm
V. Prostate Gland R x – Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy -___________ of the ________ _____ in ____ of ___ _____ over ____ ___, and ____ of ___ _____ over ____ ___ -________ on ________ ______ to __________ _________ of ________ and ______ _________, which can _____ to _________, ________ _______ and _______ ________ -can also ________ ________ ______ enlargementprostategland 50%allmenage50 90%allmenage70 pressurebladderleads increasedfrequencyurination urineretention leadinfectionbladder stoneskidneydisease indicateprostatecancer
V. Prostate Gland R x – Prostate Cancer-______ ________ _______ in _____ after _____ _______, ________ _____ ______ per _____, _____ in _____ over ____ ___, ________ _______ _______ _______ per _____ -______ ________ in ________ __________ _____ than in __________ _____, _______ _________ perhaps ______ to a ____ _____ in _________ ___ -_______ by ________ ________ of ______ ________ and __________ ___________ _______ _______, and __________ mostcommoncancermenskin cancer235,000newcasesyear 70%menage65causing27,000 cancerdeathsyear morecommonAfricanAmericanmen Caucasianmengenetictendency linkeddiethighsaturatedfat treatedsurgicalremovalentire prostatesometimessurroundinglymph nodesradiation
VI. Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) Gland Epididymis Ductus deferens Seminal vesicle Ejaculatory duct -________ a ______ ________ of _______-_____ ______ in _________ to _______ ___________, which _______ the _______ of _____ _______ ______ to ___________ and _________ __________ for _______ ____________ Prostate gland Bulbourethral glands secretessmallamount mucuslikefluid responsesexual stimulationcleanses urethraurineresidues prior ejaculation provideslubrication sexualintercourse
VII. Scrotum-_______ _______ -________ and __________ ____________ at _______ (_____) -_______ _______ _________ to ________ _______ as _____ of the _______ _________ to ________ ________ ______ have to ______ during _________, _________ to _______ ______ to ________ them from _____ and to ________ them from _________ ________ in _________ to __________ of ______- ___- ______ ___________ -_______ with ____ to ________ ______ VIII. Penis-_____ __________ ______ -_______ ________, which ________ ______ and ______ to the ________ of the ______ -________ _______ _______, which _______ the ______ to become _________ with ______ so that it becomes ______ and can _________ _______ housestestes protects regulates temperature34.4 °C 94 °F dartosmusclecontractselevatetestes partsexualresponseshorten distancespermtravelemission contractselevatetestesprotect coldprotectphysical damageresponseactivation‘fight orflight’mechanism paddedfatprotecttestes malecopulatoryorgan housesurethraconveysurinesemen outsidebody containserectiletissuesenablepenis engorgedblood erectpenetratevagina
VIII. Penis Corpus spongiosum Corpus cavernosa Penis A. Erectile tissues-_______ __________ and _______ ___________ -____ with ______ in ________ to _______ ___________, as _______________ ______ _________ cause ________ ________ into ________ _______ to ______, __________ ______ _____ and at the ______ _____ _________ ______ _______ out of _______ _______ _____, _____________ of ______ ______ to ________ CorpuscavernosaCorpus spongiosum fillbloodresponsesexual stimulationparasympatheticnerve impulsesarteriesleading erectiletissuesdilateincreasing bloodflowsametime pressingveinsleadingerectile tissuesflataccumulationblood leadserection
VIII. Penis Corpus spongiosum Corpus cavernosa Penis B. Glans penis Glans penis -_____-_______ ______ ____ of ______ -_______ ________ _________ ________ -________ by the _______-_____ ________ (________), which is ______ ________ at _____ by the _________ __________ of ____________ -_____-________, with ______ ________ _________ for _______ ___________ External urethral orifice Prepuce coneshapeddistalendpenis housesexternalurethralorifice coveredsheathlikeprepuce foreskinoftenremovedbirth surgicalprocedurecircumcision thinskinnedmanysensory receptorssexualstimulation
VIII. Penis-during ________, the ________ of _________ ______ ______ with the __________ of the ________ _______, ________ ______, and _____________ ______, ______ the _______ with _______ of ______ __________ ________ ________ ______ -during __________, ________ ________ at the _____ of the _______ ________ of the ______ _________, _________ the _________ in the _______ ________, and ________ ______ from the ________ at a ______ of _______ (_______), ___________ ______ ____ up into the _______ _____ the _______ orgasmprocessemissionmixes spermsecretionsseminalvesicles prostateglandbulbourethralglandsfilling urethra2-5 mLsemencontaining millionsperm ejaculationskeletalmusclesbase erectilecolumnspeniscontract increasingpressureerectiletissues forcingsemenurethraspeed 29 kph18 mphdepositingsemenfar vaginanearcervix
VIII. Penis R x – Erectile Dysfunction-impotence, the inability of the penis to become erect or sustain an erection -usually a complicating factor of diabetes, paralysis, prostate surgery, or drug use -most often treated with therapy by drugs like Viagra ®, which blocks the enzymatic break- down of the neurotransmitter cGMP, which relaxes the arteries leading into the erectile tissues, allowing them to dilate