Operations Report Neal J. Couture, CPCM Executive Director Board of Directors Meeting Ft Lauderdale, Florida July 18, 2010
Action Items from BOD Meetings 1.Compile presentation on CMBOK 3.0 project for EAC. Assigned to: ReuterStatus: Done, to be given at July 19 mtg 2.Update membership survey re: member expectations from chapters (ie. frequency of mtgs & programs). Assigned to: CoutureStatus: 3.Engage ISM in Discussion on How to establish a more meaningful alliance or collaboration. Assigned to: CoutureStatus: Report in this briefing 4.Send a letter to NDIA recognizing Women in Defense’s WID accomplishments. Assigned to: CoutureStatus: Complete
Discussion w/ISM Executive Director Neal Couture met with Paul Novak, Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) on May 10, Extremely cordial relationship – 12 years. Brief exploratory discussions on merger years ago. Explained our current ideas re: potential alliances with other associations. Idea of ISM coming together w/NCMA in some fashion is desirable. Novak speaking with his elected leaders, agreed to meet again in near future.
Financial Report Update Through June 30, 2010 YTD 2010 YTD 2009 YTD BUDGET Revenue Membership 2,175,6141,835,3031,857,185 Education 852,403762,029809,029 Advertising 1,601,0441,413,6791,235,700 Certification 159,064121,521104,925 Meetings 927,0541,887,588788,235 Total Revenue 5,725,6246,022,9214,803,324 Membership: 18.5% increase in revenue!Education: 11.8% increase in revenue!Advertising: 13.3% increase in revenue!Certification: 30.8% increase in revenue!Meetings: 23.7% increase in revenue!* 19% positive variance over budget 17% increase in revenue over last year!*
Financial Report Update Through June 30, 2010 YTD 2010 YTD 2009 YTD BUDGET Summary Revenues 5,725,6246,022,9214,803,324 Expenses 4,992,0146,020,0254,810,104 Net from Operations 733,6092,897(6,780) Variance from budget 19% positive variance in revenue 3.8% negative variance in expenses
Financial Report Update Through June 30, 2010 YTD 2010 YTD 2009 YTD BUDGET Summary Net from Operations 733,6092,897(6,780) Net Investment Revenue 209,523(237,351)1,044 Income Taxes 145,00095,91890,000 Net gain (loss) 798,133(330,372)(95,736) $1.1 million positive variance from this time last year!
Membership Goals GoalStatus Develop and propose to BOD a membership restructure plan. Completed 1/2010. Implemented 7/2010. Survey dropped members monthly, establish metric tracking % drop due to dissatisfaction. Survey began 8/2009. Current: 6.3%. Maintain average 18,500 members per month.18,967/mo Recruit 4,400 new members.4,564! Expand complimentary subscription program.Added GovPartners. Survey retired and student members to identify special needs. Postponed until 8/2010 due to new Director Marketing being hired. Review and assess all group membership agreements. Completed 6/2010. Excellent renewal rates contributed to membership growth.
Dues increase and new structure implemented Announcements in all media (CM, newsletters, website, chapter telecons, direct ). Notice to students for new rate. Notice to associates to revise member type. “Beat the increase” campaign. Resulted in acceleration of member renewals: >90% increase in dues revenue in June!
Education Goals GoalStatus Expand e-course portfolio by 15 courses, by incorporating audio-seminar recorded content. 7 e-courses, and 28 webinars on demand (WOD). Develop and implement instructor-facilitated, web- based certification preparation courses for each exam. Technology plan developed. Content from WC2010 in 7/2010. Launch fall Implement “Risk Management” NES.Available 9/2009. Conduct 50 NES seminars.54 commitments to date. Develop NES for release in September 2010.Contract Types available 7/2010. Conduct CMLDP program.2010 class graduates Wednesday. 135 apps recd for FY2011! Selections will be announced 8/31/2010. Conduct 24 audio-seminars, with 66 sites/ seminar average = 1,584 total sites/session = 1,751 sites. Fewer, larger, more profitable. Conduct 4 CoPs virtual conferences.Conducted 3 in 3/2010. Revise and publish certification preparation manuals.CPCM study guide published 7/2010.
CPCM Study Guide Published July 2010 Sample questions, test taking tips, review of content areas. Authored by Dr. John Wilkinson, CFCM, CPCM, Fellow
Certification Goals GoalStatus Assess exam performance for each exam through September, and revise as necessary. YTD thru 5/2010: 525 apps 238 certificants Validate exam questions against CMBOK 3.0 and preparatory materials. Dependent upon CMBOK study; target start date pushed back to late Significant growth over last year 175% increase in applicants 44% increase in certificants (disparity caused by large number of applicants who have not yet taken the exams.)
Standards Goals GoalStatus Publish CMBOK 3.0.Survey issued 5/2010. Publish goal 12/2010. Publish CM2 Competency Models for the CM profession. On hold. Publish Organizational Alignment study.Revision to research plan.
Meetings Goals GoalStatus Conduct ADC2009 in Denver in July 2009.Completed. Conduct Academic Conference – virtual – in August 2009.Dropped from plans. Conduct GCMC2009 in Bethesda in November 2009.Completed. Conduct ADC2010 in San Diego in March 2010.Completed. Implement World Congress 2010 plan, for conduct in July 2010 in Ft. Lauderdale. Exceeded registration goals! Conduct Career Fair at GCMC2009 in November in Bethesda.Completed. Obtain trade association sponsorship for 2011 events.Initial contacts made with NDIA, AIA, PSC. Execute facility contracts for all conferences through June 2012.GCMC 2011 and ADC 2012 remain – on hold until Jenn Reece returns from maternity. Research and test VTC for conference sessions. Assess results and, if desired, develop plan for VTC adoption in future conferences. GCMC experience. Audio-recording WC2010 breakouts. Tech plan for simulcast WC2011.
World Congress 2010 GoalProjected Attendance (full conference paid) Participants 883 ~1,400 >950 ~1,600 Attendance revenue$804,000$850,000 Exhibitor revenue$500,000$480,000 Net income~$525,000>$550,000
Publications Goals GoalStatus Publish Contract Management magazine monthly, and conduct a readership survey. Completed. Publish Journal of Contract Management in e- book form, with 500 paperback copies. Published 9/2009. Publish the Resource Guide, with expanded expert directory. Published 10/2009. Publish Risk Management book.Published 9/2009. Publish standards in appropriate media.Dependent upon standards research. Publish CM News e-newsletter twice monthly.As planned. Maintain NCMA’s websites, publish news updates daily, implement members-only content service, and implement business intelligence. Completed. `
Component Relations Goals GoalStatus Implement “Virtual Chapter” and “Chapter Lite” plans.C-L program plan in progress. Redesign Communities of Practice (CoPs) program.Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Implement online directories for EAC, Fellows, Speakers, Experts, and Mentors. Completed. Publish monthly e-newsletters for Fellows, Students, Chapters and EAC. Missed 3 EAC editions. Conduct Leadership Summit in Denver in July.Completed. Conduct Mid-Year Leadership Conference in January in Las Vegas. Completed. Conduct EAC meetings, with teleconferencing, at ADC2009, GCMC2009 and ADC2010 conferences. As planned. Conduct Fellows meeting at World Congress 2010.Scheduled for Sunday. Conduct General Membership Meeting at ADC2009.Completed. Conduct awards and honors program.As planned. Obtain sponsors for Macfarlan awards.No progress.
Advertising Goals GoalStatus Obtain sponsorship for Journal in conjunction with sponsorship for the Macfarlan awards program. No interest still. Working for 2011 edition. Sell job ads on CMjobs.com website.>30% ahead of budget. Sell print ads in Resource Guide and CM magazine. >24% ahead of budget on CM ads. Sell web ads on NCMA’s website.>83% ahead of budget. Sell ads in NCMA’s e-newsletters.Being done. Sell corporate memberships and educational partnerships. >22% ahead of budget. Sell exhibits and sponsorships for ADC2009 in Denver, GCMC2009 in Bethesda, ADC2010 in San Diego, and WC2010 in Ft. Lauderdale. 96% of goal.
Governance Goals GoalStatus Conduct Board of Directors Meetings and Committee Meetings at ADC2009 in July in Denver, at GCMC 2009 in November in Bethesda, at Mid-Year Leadership Summit in January in Las Vegas, and at ADC2010 in March in San Diego. As planned. Conduct National Elections in February 2010.Completed on schedule. Conduct Board Orientation webinar in June 2010.Completed. Support committee activities.As planned.
Operations Report for FY Performance measures for each program area: –# units or transactions –Quality measures/feedback from customers –Financial measure: net income from sales Overall health indicator: –Green: meeting or exceeding goals –Yellow: performance concerns –Red: significant risk of failure
Performance Measurement Plan A. MembershipB. MeetingsC. Education 1. Members –New members –Retention rate –New professionals –Students 2. Dissatisfaction to drop 3. Revenue –Net income 1. Overall attendance –Satisfaction –Revenue –Net income 2. World Congress attendance –Satisfaction –Revenue –Net income 3. Government CM Conf. attendance –Satisfaction –Revenue –Net income 4. Aerospace and Defense CM Conf. attendance –Satisfaction –Revenue –Net income 1. NES seminars –Attendance –Satisfaction –Revenue 2. Webinars –Sites –Satisfaction –Revenue 3. E-courses –Registrants –Revenue 4. CoPs Virtual Conferences –Sites –Satisfaction –Revenue 5. Books Sold –Revenue
Performance Measurement Plan D. CertificationE. AdvertisingF. Management & Governance 1. Total Certificants –Applicants –New certificants –Total revenue –Total net income 2. CPCM Currently certified –Applicants –New certificants –Renewal rate –Pass rate 3. CFCM Currently certified –Applicants –New certificants –Renewal rate –Pass rate 4. CCCM Currently certified –Applicants –New certificants –Pass rate 1. Total Revenue –Net income 2. # Education partners 3. # Corporate partners
Members Board of Directors Committees Executive Director & Staff Communities: Council of Fellows Women’s Forum CMLDP Alumni Certificants New Professionals Retired Professionals* Executive Advisory Council (EAC) Chapters Communities of Practice: TDOS Service Contracting Small Business Contracting