Domingos Torres Jr. Director of Social Action Programs
Evolution inClassroomsFrom 2008To 2010 Levels Primary Middle School High School Total
Financial support The School Feeding program is financed by: a) Angola’s General Budget. b) By national and international partners. C) By USDA and J.A.M.- Joint Aid Management
Objective: The fight against hunger with a view to its elimination. Promoting food and nutritional security, thus ensuring the participation of the community in the education process. Urban Agriculture/school gardens. The strategy of support for students
JAM ‘s strength is on the ground. With 25 monitors and 4 supervisors they cover the 430+ schools where CSB is distributed throughout Benguela Province. Each school is visited 2 to 3 times a month. More than 220,000 children receive school meals during the 170 days of the school year. JAM Monitors working with ADPP monitors interact with the community in the area of school gardens and earth boxes.
Angolan Education: A partnership between Public & Private schools and NGOs “ The State guarantees that education can be effective if” Attention is focused on the student in primary school through additional programs such as: Educational Materials, School feeding and health coverage. Educational books School Health School Feeding Programs EDUCATION