INFINITIVE WITH TO - The infinitive is the base form of the verb. It is often used with “to”. - It can be positive (to be) or negative (not to be). “I need to buy some food” “Try not to be late”
INFINITIVE 1.- After some verbs eg. Want, need, would like, decide, forget, try, hope,learn...etc. Eg. I would like to visit Amberley castle.. I need to buy some clothes. 2. -After adjectives. Eg “It'll be nice to meet your parents” “It's important not to be late”
INFINITIVE 3.- After questions words (what, where, when...) Eg: I don't know where to go or what to do. I don't know how to drive. 4.-To say why you do something. A Why did you go to the party? B To meet new people “I came to this school to learn English”(NOT for learn)
INFINITIVE WITHOUT TO WE USE INFITIVE WITHOUT “TO”: 1.-After auxiliary verbs: Does/do/didn't Eg. “Do you live near here? I don't do enough exercise 2.-After most modal verbs:can, could, will, would...etc Eg. “Can you help me?”. “I won't forget” “What would you do?”
GERUNDS T he gerund is the base form of the verb+ing. It can be positive (going) or negative (not going).
GERUNDS Use the gerund: 1.-As the object or subject of a sentence. Eg.”Eating outside in the summer makes me feel good” “My idea of happiness is getting up late and eating ice-cream” “My favourite hobbies are dancing and going running”
GERUNDS 2.- After prepositions: Eg. I'm thinking of buying a new car. He left without saying goodbye. I'm not very good at reading maps.
GERUNDS 3.- After some verbs such as: like,love, hate,enjoy...etc. Eg. I love reading in bed. I hate not getting to the airport early.
GERUNDS LIKE (inf/gerund) LOVE (inf+gerund) HATE (inf+gerund) (DON'T) MIND ENJOYFINISHGO ON (CONTINUE) SPEND (TIME) START (inf. and gerund). STOPFEEL LIKE
SPELLING RULES FOR THE -ING FORM INFINITIVE-ING FORMSPELLING COOKCOOKINGadd-ing LIVELIVINGCut the final -e, add -ing RUN BEGIN/PREFER TRAVEL RUNNING BEGINNING/ PREFERRING TRAVELLING Double the final consonant and add - ing. Verbs which are stressed on the last syllable. Travel is an exception.