Урок с использованием ИКТ Тема : Shopping 7 класс Учитель: Тарасова А.Л. МОУ гимназия № 8
Good morning! How are you? I am happy to see you!
Objectives Speak about different kinds of shops and products Practice grammar Future Simple/be going Practice doing the role-play “ at the shop” Speak and write about the future of shopping
Let’s go shopping!
What is shopping? Покупки Делать покупки
What’s your attitude to shopping? Do you like shopping? I enjoy shopping I adore shopping I love shopping I hate shopping
Why do you …. shopping? because it is …). I love shopping because it is…). I hate shopping
Where can you do shopping? Large shops Shopping mall High street shop Supermarket Department store Market Open-air market On-line shop Small shops o Local corner shop o Butcher o Bakery o Chemists o Grocery o Newsagents o Toy shop o Clothes o Souvenir
Where do you prefer shopping? Why? I prefer shopping in the …. In my opinion it is … ……… Мoreover it is …..… However, it is ….. ….
What departments are there in the supermarket? 1) Замороженные продукты 2) Крупы 3) Рыба 4) Мясо 5) Овощи 6) Фрукты 7) Хлебный 8) Одежда 9) обувь 10) Бытовая техника 11) Игрушки 12) Сувениры
Shopping verbs 1. Buy 2. Sell 3. Spend 4. Change 5. Choose 6. Try on
Let’s speak about money and prices. What money do they use in the USA? What money can you use in Europe? What money do they use in the UK? Pounds Pence What money do you use in Russia?
Imagine you are a foreigner. Ask questions about shopping in Shumerlya Medicine Bread, rolls
What kinds of shops are there in Shumerlya?
What household appliances do they sell in Shumerlya? You can buy household appliances such as…
What can I order and buy on- line?
Open your books to page 105 1)Listen to the dialogue. 2) Choose something you want to buy from the list below. Decide on size, the color and how much you want to pay. You can choose Shoes Boots Shoes Trainers Slippers Wellington boots
Let’s do some exercises!
When do we use Future Simple- will + Infinitive? We use Future Simple to make predictions about the future. Translate from English into Russian Shopping on the Internet will become more popular. Translate from Russian into English В будущем будет много торговых центров.
Practice Let’s play English Discovery- game Complete the sentences, use will/won’t/be going to
Do the Hot Potato- test. Complete the sentences with will, won’t /be going to.
Подготовьте ваше мнение о покупках в будущем.Используйте стратегии. Памятка-инструкция по говорению Используйте вопросы в качестве плана вашего рассказа. Трансформируйте вопрос в утвердительное предложение Используйте лексику: shopping Правильно употребляйте формы Future simple Не забывайте использовать соединительные слова: and, also, however. Для выражения собственного мнения по какому-то вопросу используйте фразы, выделяя I, my. I think-Я думаю In my opinion-По моему мнению Moreover-Более того
What can you say about the future of shopping? 1. Will there be shopping malls in the future? 2. Will shopping malls be convenient? Why? 3. Will traditional shops disappear? Why? 4. Will people do their shopping on the Net? Why? 5. Will there be local corner shops? Why
Home task: Write an essay “ The Future of shopping ”. Use vocabulary: shopping Mind your grammar: Future simple Try not to forget linking words : and, but, also, however. Use phrases: In my opinion,I think, moreover.
The lesson is over. Your marks are excellent !