A presentation by WGym09
We are students from the classes WGym09a and WGym09b of the commercial college “Berufskolleg Bachstraße” in Düsseldorf who work on the Comenius-project about museums and modern education. About us
About WGym09 WGym means Wirtschaftsgymnasium, a commercial college (A-Level) at the moment we’re 43 students 17 girls and 26 boys we’re between 16 and 19 years old we live within a radius of Düsseldorf we’re a friendly and helpful class
Expectations of the visit It‘s a museum It has something to do with the customs borders Information about: - age and number of the workers - Lifestyle, social surroundings and status of the workers - what were the conditions and how did they work - the transport of coal - Its functions and use for society
Visiting “Zeche Zollverein”
When? We visited it on 3 February 2010 In summer 2010 we will visit it once again including the “Ruhrmuseum” and a city tour through Essen
What will we be doing during the museum visits? visit “Zeche Zollverein” in Essen see a coal museum hear a presentation about the coal industry this summer we will visit the Ruhr-Museum about the structural change in the Ruhr area
What is it? Since 2001 it has been one of the World´s Cultural heritage Since 2010 “Zeche Zollverein” is the central point of the cultural capital Essen (European Cultural Capital Ruhr.2010) “Zeche Zollverein” was an active coal mine Today it’s an industry monument “Zollverein” is the main point of the European route of industrial culture In summer 2006 the complex conversion of coal wash was finished after some years
Details of „Zeche Zollverein“ 100 hectares of land in the north of Essen 1847 the first shaft was sunk, 1986 the last coal was brought to the surface 1993 the coking plant was closed down, 2000 the buildings and equipment were officially listed 2001 Zollverein was inscribed into the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites Zollverein has around one million visitors per year Today the most famous industrial monument and centre of the creative industry in the Ruhr area
Pictures of „Zeche Zollverein“
Franz Haniel Zollverein Coal Mine was founded by Duisburg-born industrialist Franz Haniel, who needed coke for steel production. He was born on 20th November 1779 in Ruhrort. He died on 24th April 1868 some months after his wife. Nowadays the Haniel Group is one of the biggest German trading and logistics companies.
Essen Essen is a city in the central part of the Ruhr Area in North Rhine- Westphalia, Germany. For the year 2010, Essen is the European Capital of Culture on behalf of the whole Ruhr Area. In German-speaking countries, the name of the city Essen often causes confusion as to its origins, because it is commonly known as the German infinitive of the verb for the act of eating or the German noun for food.
Our experience at „Zeche Zollverein before we visited the „Zeche Zollverein“ some of our students thought that it would be quite boring and uninteresting after the visit many of them were surprised how interesting it was we learned a lot about industrial history and structural change we are planning to create activities which will make visits to the museums interesting for other students
Our future plans this may include: creating a quiz as a starting activity, paperchase, a rallye, production of a short video clip by students.
Thank You for your attention