1. Upgrading via the Network Booting Preparing Materials -PC server with a wired LAN port -Upgrade file for the network booting(bin type) Upgrade Procedure 1) Set the PC to the TFTP/BootP Server for the network booting. Set the PC by using an application program for PC. This description explains how to set up using the ‘ Cabletron TFTP/BootP Services 2.0 S/W. When another S/W is used, refer to the relevant usage of S/W. The following describes how to set up ‘ Cabletron TFTP/BootP Services 2.0 S/W ’. 2) Receive the program and execute the Setup procedure to set up the program. 3) Execute the program(When designating a default directory, execute ‘ C:\TFTPBOOT\BIN\TFTPBOOT.EXE ’ ) and click the [Start Download] button. 4) Enter IP of the installed PC and click the [BootP Server] button. ■ Preparing Materials
Enter the IP of installed PC and press the Enter key Press the Start Download button Press the BootP Server button ■ Cabletron TFTP/BootP Services 2.0 S/W 1. Upgrading via the Network Booting
"Enter the MAC address of AP where to receive the file from Enter the pathe and name of the file that AP will receive, or select the file by clicking the browser at the botton Click the Update button Enter the IP that AP is to be assigned ■ Cabletron TFTP/BootP Services 2.0 S/W 1. Upgrading via the Network Booting
2. WBS24(Combo) LED Status LED Name FunctionBlue OnBlue OffBlue Blinking PWRStatus of Power Supply Normal power supply No power supply - WLANOperating status of wireless LAN Normal operation of wireless LAN No operation of wireless LAN Data being received and transmitted via wireless LAN LANOperation status of LAN Normal operation of LAN No operation of LAN Data being received and transmitted via LAN WLIConnection status with the 8WLI Normally connected with the 8WLI card Not connected with the 8WLI card or calling Data being received and transmitted via the 8WLI card and the DASL line The number of B channels being communicated LED status of the LD1LED status of the LD2 0Blue LED Off OneBlue LED Blinking PeriodicallyBlue LED Off TwoBlue LED Off ThreeBlue LED OffBlue LED Blinking Periodically FourBlue LED Off
LED Name FunctionBlue OnBlue OffBlue Blinking PWRStatus of Power Supply Normal power supply No power supply - WLANOperating status of wireless LAN Normal operation of wireless LAN No operation of wireless LAN Data being received and transmitted via wireless LAN LANOperation status of LAN Normal operation of LAN No operation of LAN Data being received and transmitted via LAN WLISystem message transmission Normally connected with the 8WLI card Not connected with the 8WLI card System Data being transmitted to the System( period : 5sec ) 2. WBS24(Basic) LED Status
Operation fault of the WLAN Verify the PCMCIA card NO - If the same status continues after resetting two or three times, the flash memory image is damaged. - Upgrade via the network. POWER ON PWR LED ON The other LEDs except the PWR LED blink periodically. The LD2 LED blinks continuouslyON LAN LED ON (BLINK) WLI LED ON Operation fault of the LAN Verify the LAN line Not connected with the 8WLI. Booting completing and online status - Verify the system power - Verify the 8WLI status, or 8WLI connection line NO YES NO YES NO - Verify the MMC setting and values WLAN LED ON (BLINK) 2. The troubleshooting steps according to the LED status
3. Status Inquiry via a Web Browser ■ Inquiry of Config & Status
3. Status Inquiry via a Web Browser Status items are shown below. Up-Time : the passed time after booting Booting Time : the final time of WBS24 booting Version : Information on the WBS24 version DASL Status : Connection status with the 8WLI Deactive : Not activated status of the DASL line Active(Not Config) : DASL line is activated, and the initialized message is not received from the system. Active(Config OK) : DASL line is activated, and the initialized message is received from the system. B-channel Status : the number of traffics being in use at present Associated Nodes : Unavailable at present
■ Restarting WBS24 3. Status Inquiry via a Web Browser
■ Inquiry screen of Wilress LAN statistics 3. Status Inquiry via a Web Browser
■ Inquiry screen of the Ethernet statistics 3. Status Inquiry via a Web Browser
■ Connecting the Console Terminal 4. Connecting the Console Terminal 1) Execute the Tera terminal program 2) Select the from the new window Bits per second: Stop bit: 1 Data bit: 8 Parity bit: none Flow control: none 3) Login/Logout Login:wlan Password: **** <- wlan Login successful --> user logout 4) Enter CLI(Console Line Interface) --> co en Switching from CLI to console mode - type 'exit' to return >exit -->
■ Using the Console Terminal 4. Using the Console Terminal Version 정보 > version WBS24 version: V :00 BSP: WBS24 BSP v1.0 (ISOS 8.2) CSP: He100/2xx CSP v2.3 (ISOS 8.2) Help > help Commands are: apset bridge buffer bun chips config db dnsclient dnsrelay dw event flashfs fm im ip ipstack isfs led pdhcpc restart rom snmp test uptime version wb webserver wlan wpa ww '.' repeats the last command Type 'help all' or 'help ' for more details Enter Sub menu >apset apset > home >
4. Using the Console Terminal ■ Using the Console Terminal Current Status apset> status ============ Configuration Display ============ WBS24 BASIC WLI ID ID = 3 WBS ID ID = 24 Primary IP (ip1) = Primary IP Mask (sub1) = Secondary IP (ip2) = Secondary IP Mask (sub2) = Gateway IP (gw) = DNS1 IP (dns1) = DNS2 IP (dns2) = ESS ID (essid) = Assigned RF Channel (rfch) = 3 Wep Enable (wepenable) = disabled Wep Key (128 bit) (wepkey) = SYSTEM IP (MCP) = SYSTEM NETMASK (MCP) = SYSTEM GateWay (MCP) = SYSTEM MAC (MCP) = 0- 0-f0-3a-10-dc PDHCP CLIENT ENABLE 0 {1:disabled, 0:enable} Change Basic WBS24 ENABLE 0 {1:disabled, 0:enable} Qos Setting 1 {0:disabled, 1:enable}