Matthew 9:35 - 10:4 An Army of Ordinary People (Part III)


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Presentation transcript:

Matthew 9: :4 An Army of Ordinary People (Part III)

Judas Iscariot Always concerned with the money Mary anointing Jesus' feet (John 12:2-6) He was a thief His true nature came as a surprise to the other disciples He betrayed Jesus The Devil entering Judas was not a cause of Judas' actions but the consequences of them (Jn. 13) The end: returned the money and committed suicide (Matt. 27:1-10)

The Women (Luke 8:1-3) An upper-class lady with a previously demon possessed one (Mary Magdalene)

Ordinary People Called by Jesus to do extraordinary things (Matt. 10:1) Nothing about them academically, financially, socially, or spiritually, that would make a world of difference It is with Jesus as their source of life that the world is changed "It is the extra-ordinary Christ working through ordinary people that has extra-ordinary results! He is the extra in the ordinary! The quality of the end product is determined by its source. The source was not something inherent in the disciples themselves, but in Christ who called them and sent them."

Ordinary People (1 Thess. 5:24) "The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it" It is all about Jesus (Gal. 2:20) Are you one of God's ordinary people (1 Cor. 1:18-31) Next: The disciples at work!