Organizing 101 NEA Uniserv Academy “Never do for others what they can do for themselves.” -Saul Alinsky, Founder, Industrial Areas Foundation
ORGANIZING Moves people to action Moves people to action Creates power Creates power Appeals to self-interests Appeals to self-interests Discovers and develops leaders Discovers and develops leaders Is a science as well as an art Is a science as well as an art Builds organizational capacity Builds organizational capacity
Benefits of Organizing Short Term Addresses the members’ issues: pay, benefits, working conditions, etc. Addresses the members’ issues: pay, benefits, working conditions, etc. Builds coalitions Builds coalitions Provides a tool to address issues and problems Provides a tool to address issues and problems Builds organizational capacity Builds organizational capacity Long Term People learn about themselves People learn about themselves Individuals fully use their skills & abilities Individuals fully use their skills & abilities An opportunity to rediscover history struggle & resistance An opportunity to rediscover history struggle & resistance Relearn cooperation, collective action & support of one another Relearn cooperation, collective action & support of one another
Types of Organizing Scratch organizing Scratch organizing Revitalization organizing Revitalization organizing Issue organizing Issue organizing Relational organizing Relational organizing
Issue Organizing Issue organizing is a strategy that identifies, validates & clearly frames or state the issue by which the members will be motivated and mobilized. Identification Know the difference between problems & issues. Problems are long-term conditions that give rise to issues. We are concerned about problems. We take on issues. Chronic unemployment is a problem. An announcement of a 50-day layoff is an issue.
Problems -vs- Issues PROBLEMS Global in nature Global in nature Creates solutions Creates solutions Long-lasting Long-lasting Source or cause is distant Source or cause is distant Irritating Irritating Encourages study Encourages study Resolved only over a long period of time Resolved only over a long period of timeISSUES Specific in nature Specific in nature Emanate from situations Emanate from situations Short-lived Short-lived Source or cause is near & identifiable Source or cause is near & identifiable Inflaming Inflaming Encourages action Encourages action Resolved over a short period of time Resolved over a short period of time
Validating the Issue When an organizer thinks an issue has been identified, it can be validated with “yes” answers to these questions: Is it immediate, recent, close at hand? Is it immediate, recent, close at hand? Is it specific, tangible, clearly understood? Is it specific, tangible, clearly understood? Is it controversial, positional, polarized? Is it controversial, positional, polarized? Is it the right size, can we manage it, control it? Is it the right size, can we manage it, control it? Is it winnable, a sure thing? Is it winnable, a sure thing?
Framing the Issue The organizer creates the organizing theme by stating the issue in such a way that it can be used to 1) focus the constituents’ energies and 2) mobilize people for action. The statement becomes the consistent position of the organizing campaign. Framing is accomplished by combining the following into a statement: Clearly identify the issue Clearly identify the issue Define the issue in such a way that sides are clearly identified Define the issue in such a way that sides are clearly identified Develop & refine the rationale for the issue Develop & refine the rationale for the issue
Relational Organizing A type of organizing whereby direct connections are made with the members and potential members. It focuses on stories, values, beliefs, and self-interests. Focuses on listening & respecting members’ experiences & stories Focuses on listening & respecting members’ experiences & stories Identifies & recruits leaders Identifies & recruits leaders Creates an agenda that is driven by the issues, lives & experiences of our members Creates an agenda that is driven by the issues, lives & experiences of our members Goes on all the time in a healthy organization Goes on all the time in a healthy organization Provides the foundation for action and power Provides the foundation for action and power
“Organizing is a fancy word for relationship building.” Ernesto Cortes
Relational Meeting Concepts Give & take Give & take The meeting is selective & sensitive The meeting is selective & sensitive Strong sense of self provides basis for taking risks in relationship building Strong sense of self provides basis for taking risks in relationship building Self-actualization comes from understanding feelings in ourselves & others Self-actualization comes from understanding feelings in ourselves & others Meetings like this prove an essential human connection that is necessary to build an enduring relationship Meetings like this prove an essential human connection that is necessary to build an enduring relationship You don’t just discuss what people do or their philosophy or their actions. Ultimately, you must get to the level of how people feel about what they do. You don’t just discuss what people do or their philosophy or their actions. Ultimately, you must get to the level of how people feel about what they do.
Relational Meeting Best Practices Engage with curiosity Engage with curiosity Think about your own story Think about your own story Focus on the other person Focus on the other person Draw out & share your stories Draw out & share your stories Probe for their interests Probe for their interests Ask direct, engaging questions Ask direct, engaging questions Listen more than you talk Listen more than you talk Stick to your time limit Stick to your time limit Reflect & evaluate (and take notes) Reflect & evaluate (and take notes)
“When you are tempted to make a statement, ask a question.” Fred Ross, Sr.
The Organizer The duty of the organizer is to provide people with the opportunity to work for what they believe in. A good organizer is a “social arsonist” who goes around setting people on fire!
Skills of an Organizer Ability to ID an issue Ability to ID an issue Ability to evaluate human behavior Ability to evaluate human behavior Concern for people Concern for people Ability to “affirm” others Ability to “affirm” others Ability to recognize power Ability to recognize power Ability to delegate Ability to delegate Ability to determine needs Ability to determine needs Ability to navigate tense situations Ability to navigate tense situations Ability to plan Ability to plan Ability to work from the general to the specific Ability to work from the general to the specific Ability to monitor & evaluate Ability to monitor & evaluate
Three Attributes of an Effective Organizer PASSION To have passion you must create a vision of where you want to go PATIENCE Patience requires a commitment to your own vision in the face of “naysayers” PERSEVERANCE To accomplish your vision you must have the courage to persevere
“Cre8tive” Organizers Believe that there’s always more than one right answer Believe that there’s always more than one right answer Have the ability to look at the ordinary & see the extraordinary Have the ability to look at the ordinary & see the extraordinary Are not afraid of making mistakes Are not afraid of making mistakes Reframe problems into opportunities Reframe problems into opportunities From Everyday Creativity Dewitt Jones
The Organizing Plan WHAT: define the issue/situation WHAT: define the issue/situation WHY: identify the organizing goals WHY: identify the organizing goals HOW: define the organizing strategy to employ & the resources that are needed HOW: define the organizing strategy to employ & the resources that are needed WHO: determine the leaders & members needed to accomplish the goals WHO: determine the leaders & members needed to accomplish the goals WHEN: organize a sequential timeline of activities & communications that reflect the goals & strategy & that help mobilize the members WHEN: organize a sequential timeline of activities & communications that reflect the goals & strategy & that help mobilize the members
Keeping the plan on track... Encourage leaders to monitor without micromanaging – model that, too! Encourage leaders to monitor without micromanaging – model that, too! Provide feedback to leaders & members, highlighting the accomplishment of key goals, activities, etc., throughout Provide feedback to leaders & members, highlighting the accomplishment of key goals, activities, etc., throughout Offer assistance Offer assistance If problems are occurring, get involved without taking over the leadership role If problems are occurring, get involved without taking over the leadership role
Take time to Evaluate & Celebrate! Be sure that members are involved in the evaluation of the organizing efforts Be sure that members are involved in the evaluation of the organizing efforts Identify 1) what worked well, 2) what didn’t go so well, 3) what to continue doing, 4) the surprises that occurred, & 5) what materials/records to archive. Identify 1) what worked well, 2) what didn’t go so well, 3) what to continue doing, 4) the surprises that occurred, & 5) what materials/records to archive. Celebrate & publicize the collective & individual contributions & accomplishments, giving credit & thanks to all involved. Celebrate & publicize the collective & individual contributions & accomplishments, giving credit & thanks to all involved.