Daily Teaming “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.” -Margaret Mead
Team Roles Team Leader: Facilitates and sets the tone for the meetings Acts as liaison to the administration Builds trust by open, honest communication Involves everyone/resolves team conflict Responsible for a written agenda for each meeting (Monday through Friday)
Team Scribe: Takes notes during each team meeting and parent/student conference Keeps the team binder and all essential documentation Makes copies of anything necessary for meetings, parents, etc. Submits any newsworthy items to Fresh News (Freshman Academy newsletter)
Resource Person: Keeps the team on task by keeping the time for each agenda item Moves the team on when it’s time for the next item Brings any of the “stuff” needed for a team meeting (i.e. curriculum maps, team calendar, conference forms, field trip forms, awards/certificates, etc.) Keeps track of awards given to students
Communicator: Communicates with non-team members (cafeteria workers, mentors, custodians, other teams, rest of faculty) Sets up field trips, speakers, and ensures buildings/equipment are available Makes telephone calls to parents to set up conferences, make positive phone calls, solicit volunteers, etc.
Public Relations: Promotes team accomplishments by submitting articles/stories to WZHS, Academy newsletter, Plainsman, Advocate, or local TV stations Responsible for technology aspects of meetings
Daily Logs “Working together, ordinary people can perform extraordinary feats.”
Monday Team Log 2006-2007 Date __________________ Persons Present (note late arrivals) ____________________ ____________________ Monday Agenda Items (not limited to the following): student concerns, technology, parent phone calls, etc. Period Item Discussion/Action Taken 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Agenda building for next meeting
Tuesday Tuesday Agenda Items (“Thumbs Up” meetings, student concerns, selection of Star Student of the Week, plan for conferences, any other pressing items) Period Item Discussion/Action Taken 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Agenda building for next meeting
“Thumbs Up” Meeting Part one HR teacher will read out names of students in his/her classroom. TEACHERS WILL NOT TALK AT ALL DURING THIS TIME, ONLY GIVE A THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN SIGN (focusing on student’s academic, behavior, social, emotional, and personal needs). Scribe will write down names of students who get more than one thumbs down.
Part two Counselor facilitates BRIEF discussion on students on list and various interventions are planned. HR teacher will be responsible for contacting parent for incomplete homework, late work, poor preparation, etc.
Part two Administrator will be responsible for behavioral concerns unless they are serious infractions which must be dealt with immediately by the AP (talking to student, calling parents, etc.) Counselor will be responsible for social, personal, and emotional concerns.
Follow-up Interventions Student Person Responsible Intervention for Intervention 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Wednesday Wednesday Agenda Items (student concerns, parent conferences, SBLC meetings) Period Item Discussion/Action Taken 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Agenda building for next meeting
Thursday subject area planning time curriculum mapping in subject areas
Friday Friday Agenda Items (COW-curriculum on the wall, presentation of Star Student of the Week, next week’s assessments, lesson plans, school activities, other necessary topics) Period Item Discussion/Action Taken 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Agenda building for next meeting
COW Curriculum on the Wall Phase One – Build the COW Fill in post-it notes on Friday (the end of the week AFTER the work is completed) Keep notations simple: Week #, Content (simply stated), GLE’s Use different color post-its for each subject area
Phase Two – Connect It Stand away from the map and examine all areas Find connections among subjects Add new post-it notes to indicate similarities/differences when teaching similar skills (keep original post-its in place)
Phase Three – Develop It “Start small” to make connections and to coordinate units appropriately to enhance student learning Plan interdisciplinary lessons/projects/units (examples: Middle Ages festival, poetry unit for English/social studies classes, measurement unit for math/science)
Team Curriculum Map Subject Curriculum Map
Sights and Sounds of Productive Teaming Positive comments, sound of food, laughter On-task discussion, following an agenda, materials being used Everyone participating Positive climate Other participants-administrator, counselor, student, parent
Being on a great team feels… Supportive-members help each other, share tasks, never put-downs Productive-common goals, there is a product Trusting-able to take risks, confidentiality Fun-celebrate successes, recognition, acceptance
“Coming together is a beginning Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” -Henry Ford