Tohono O’odham High School
#1 The school provides training for all staff on local tribal history, culture, customs, and values. a.Book order for staff: i.Papago Grammar; Zepeda ii.Papago/Pima Dictionary; Saxton iii.Papago Woman; Underhill iv.Sharing the Desert; Erickson b.Invite guest speakers Agenda and sign in sheet from the training on the O'odham Language/culture. The staff will also have in their possession the above books to fall back on and additional support.
#3 The physical appearance of the school reflects the tribal culture. a.Name buildings, Trees/plants with English and TO names, b.Rebuild traditional shade Ramada by gym The staff and students will name structures, trees and plants with their traditional names and a plaque will be placed on or near that item. #10 The Leadership Team plans ways to infuse tribal customs and values into the school’s operating procedures, rituals, and activities. a.School schedule i.Includes “traditional” events ii.Magdalena pilgrimage iii.All Souls Day b.Staff at the school activities i.Respectful to guests ii.Use greetings c.Include tribal people in planning of Tohono O'odham High School events i.Plan and add cultural aspects to events TOHS school calendar will reflect respect for traditional holidays and events with time out of school to encourage student participation in the above Traditional holidays and religious events.