Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin Mason, Will, Noah
Personal Life Chardin is known as the master of still life. King Louis XV granted him a studio in Louvre, France. He was engaged in 1723 and was married in Apprenticed Pierre-Jacques Cazes and Noel Nicholas Coypel. He was an artistic master for the Academie de Saint Luc His son committed suicide in 1772 by drowning himself.
Glass of Water and Coffee Pot It is the harmonies and contrast that builds into The visual elements of these ordinary objects That make this painting extraordinary. The glass and the coffee pot are both truncated cones But the shape of one is is an inversion of the other. The balance of the forms creates a dialogue between The shapes.
Basket With Wild Strawberries This artwork was made around 1761, it is one of many paintings of still images of food from Chardin. This painting was oil on canvas, and was 38 by 46 cm. This painting was actually made for Chardin’s personal use, as he never displayed it for the public.
Grace at The Table Chardin ushers viewers into a modest room where a mother and her two daughters that are about to dine Social instruction of the mother is being depicted by teaching the younger daughter to give thanks before a meal The mood of quiet attention is at one with the hushed lighting and mellow color and with the closely studied still life accessories. Emotion is not contrived and artificial but born through Chardin’s honesty, insight, and sympathy