As much as we love the idea, no ordinary man has ever flown But one extraordinary man has! Found in our Bibles! Acts 1 40 days after Jesus had been raised from the dead Jesus Flew! What would have been your reaction?
What will happen on that day? What will be our response? How do we prepare ourselves for that day?
1 Thessalonians 4 Jesus will descend Cry of command Voice of an archangel and the Trumpet of God Dead IN CHRIST will rise Those who are alive IN CHRIST will be called up We will be with Jesus forever 2 Peter 3 Earth will be burned up Heavens (Space and Universe) will be burned up
Two Responses We are ready and joyful Mat. 24:42-44 1 Thess. 5:4 2 Pet 3:11-13 We dread the day we see Jesus fly Some Christians will feel that way Heart Condition Rev. 2:4 Rev. 3:15 Mat. 7:22 Those who never submitted themselves to God
Thinking each day is our last We live each moment as if Jesus were coming this day If this is on your mind, you will make the right decisions If this is on your mind, you are going to want to save your friends, coworkers, and loved ones If this is on your mind, you will not be worried about anything that happens on this earth.
You will get to fly with Him You will get to spend eternity with Him You will get to go to your home that Jesus has built for you
You Must BelieveMark 16:16 You Must RepentActs 17:30 You Must ConfessRomans 10:9-10 You Must Be BaptizedActs 2:38 You Must Live RightRevelation 2:10