EP1140 Business Operations in Information Systems
Evolving more rapidly than Industrial Age Will continue into the current century Information Age
Cornerstones of our Economy Land Labor Capital Information Creating a Computer-Based Society:
Jobs From physical to mental From muscle-power to brain-power
The Nature of Computers Characteristics Speed Reliability Storage capability Results Productivity Decision making Cost reduction
Impact on Retailing Bar codes for pricing and inventory Shipping On-line transactions
Impact on Transportation Cars Run rapid transit systems Load containerships Track railroad cars Monitor air traffic
What is a Computer System? People Software Hardware
People Computer programmer – person who writes programs Users or End-users – make use of the computer’s capabilities
Function of Computer System Data handling IInput PProcess OOutput SStorage
Database A collection of related information organized for efficient data storage and retrieval.
Network Definition – A system that uses communications equipment to connect computers and their resources. Types – Local area network (LAN) – connects computers in close proximity – Metropolitan are network (MAN) – connect computers between buildings in the same geographic area – Wide are network (WAN) – connects computers over great distances
Internet Collection of networks No ownership No central source for services available No comprehensive index of what information is available
What is an online Application? Any computer program that assists in the execution of a business function which uses the internet to exchange information
E- Business All the applications and processes enabling a company to service a business transaction
Impact of E- business INFORMATION SYMMETRY: Condition in which all relevant information is known to all parties involved Businesses embracing E-business are forced to re-engineer their practices
Some key Business Terms…. Mission Statement – The Mission Statement defines the main purpose of an organization, the reason for its existence.
Some key Business Terms (cont) Business Strategy – Strategy of an organization is the roadmap towards attainment of its long term goals and objectives. Organizational strategy consists of planning, organizing, execution, and control activities. Business level strategy is the firm specific strategy that facilitates in gaining competitive advantage in the market
Some key Business Terms (cont) Business Objective – A business objective is something the business is aiming toward or a strategic position it is working to attain. Usually it is a step in the strategy. Objectives are similar to goals, but often have success/failure rather than quantifiable metrics.
Rule 1 Technology is the driving force of business strategy
Rule 2 Information about a product or service is more important than the product itself
Rule 3 Inability to overthrow dominant, outdated business design often leads to business failure.
Rule 4 Use E-commerce to understand customer needs and orient the service experience towards those needs
Rule 5 Technology should enhance the whole customer experience not just the product or service.
Rule 6 Re-configurable business models
Rule 7 Flexible Out sourcing Alliances
Rule 8 Don’t focus on Front-end applications only
Rule 9 Companies must create the ability to plan and implement e-business infrastructure quickly.
Rule 10 Strong Leadership
Journal question of the week After reading Kalakota’s 10 rules for e- business, what are your thoughts on the major e-business challenges facing Qatari businesses today? Ref: Pages