Module 4: RBM Planning regarding Blueprint document, training skills, transboundary issues, public consultations, negotiation skills Transboundary cooperation – bilateral commissions Alexei Iarochevitch İstanbul, 2015
Contents Ukraine’s bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field of water management on transboundary water courses Water quality group Ukraine – Hungary Flood protection group Ukraine - Hungary
Ukraine’s bilateral commissions Agreements on cooperation in the field of water management on transboundary water courses with: Poland Slovakia Hungary Romania Moldova Russia Belarus
Agreements Legal background: The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) was adopted in Helsinki in 1992 and entered into force in 1996 The Danube River Protection Convention was signed on June in Sofia (Bulgaria) and came into force in 1998 Covers: Transboundary surface and ground waters Where it makes state border or cross state border
Commission representatives Governmental authorized executive: State Agency on Water Recourses Country official representatives: Government Commissioner - Chairman (or Deputy) of Agency Deputy government Commissioner – head of relevant River basin management authority Secretary of Government Commissioner Experts
Areas of cooperation Main: Flood protection Hydrometeorological data and water resources Water quality Supplementary: Domestic solid waste management Joint programme implementation (e.g. on flood management) Joint cross-border project implementation (EU, NATO, etc.)
Meetings Annual ordinary meeting (in turn at home and abroad): report on previous year achievements / results planning for the next year Group meetings: scheduled meetings extraordinary meetings (e.g. in case of accidental pollution) joint samplings
Water quality group Ukraine - Hungary Ordinary meeting April 2014, 3 days 1.Joint assessment of water quality status of Tisza river (2 stations, 24 samples per year each laboratory UA, HU + 3 joint samples) 2.Intercallibration exercises ( 10 parameters – non-organic micro pollutants / metals) 3.Report on accidental pollution 4.Report on chemical status assessment on transboundary water bodies of Tisza river 5.Planning for next year
Flood protection group Ukraine - Hungary
Serbia Ukraine Romania The share of total area - 10 % The share of total area – 46 % The share of total area - 30 % The share of total area – 6 % The share of total area – 8 % Tisza Tisza river basin
Historical flood in Upper Tisza river basin
Historical flood in Upper Tisza river basin 2001
Extreme flood in Upper Tisza river basin 2008
Extreme flood in Upper Tisza river basin
Flood in March 2001
UA-HU automatic flood monitoring system “Tisza”
Automatic stations network 30 hydrometeorological stations 13 meteorological stations 1 water quality station
Hydrometeorogical data collection Before system “Tisza” Using system “Tisza”
Alarm water levels
Damage from floods in mln. UAH
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