How to Improve Your Communication of Ideas in an Essay
Ways to avoid writing ‘I think that’ It could be suggested, claimed, proposed that The facts suggest, indicate, show that Smith supports the idea, notion, belief that Although Smith disagrees, most writers suggest, claim that... Analysis of the evidence suggests, undermines, differs from, coincides with
Ways to link paragraphs The first or last sentence in the paragraph should contain the essential reason for the inclusion of that paragraph The last sentence in a paragraph should serve as a link between paragraphs, using words like……………
In fact Meanwhile At the same time More specifically For this reason While this is so / Since this is so Even if /Even although Not only.. but also In fact Meanwhile At the same time More specifically For this reason While this is so / Since this is so Even if /Even although Not only.. but also Above all Nonetheless In addition Although Following this Consequently Whether Besides Later Furthermore Above all Nonetheless In addition Although Following this Consequently Whether Besides Later Furthermore
Avoid absolute words like totally of course definitely always never
Ways to introduce another viewpoint howeveralthough at the same time nevertheless on the other hand in spite of What needs to be noted in contrast to
On closer inspection, it is worth considering that... Ultimately, it must be realised that.. More importantly however... More significantly however... More to the point is the fact that... On the surface, it might seem that however The fundamental question is not however... On first sight it might seem plausible to argue that....however, on closer inspection To argue.... is insufficient.... it is necessary to consider... More Ways to introduce another viewpoint
Do Set out the issue clearly in the introduction Give an indication of your line of argument in the introduction Indicate the factors you will develop in your argument Write a linking sentence at the end of your introduction to provide a smooth transition into the topic sentence of the second paragraph. Don’t Just re-phrase the question. Just make a list of points you are going to make Use personal terms like ‘I’ or ‘My’.
Advice on the Introduction from Principal Assessor If the question were “How important were economic factors in the growth of national feeling in Germany during the period 1815 to 1850? possible approaches might include: A There was growth in national feeling in Germany between 1815 and It is important to look at how economic factors contributed to the growth of national feeling, and compare it with the other factors that also helped national feeling grow. These included the influence of Napoleon, cultural and political factors. It will then be possible to reach a conclusion about how important economic factors were.
While this approach is acceptable, it often leads to an essay which lacks analytical depth and quality of thought. An approach that shows greater confidence on the part of the candidate, and usually leads to a more fluent argument, might be the following, which says the same things but in a way that markers are likely to find more convincing. B There was growth in national feeling in Germany between 1815 and Although it can be argued that economic factors probably made the most significant contribution to the growth of national feeling, other factors were also influencing the growth of nationalism. These included the influence of Napoleon, cultural and political factors. 51 words
B There was growth in national feeling in Germany between 1815 and Although it can be argued that economic factors probably made the most significant contribution to the growth of national feeling, other factors were also influencing the growth of nationalism. These included the influence of Napoleon, cultural and political factors. 51 words A There was growth in national feeling in Germany between 1815 and This essay will look at how economic factors contributed to the growth of national feeling, and compare it with the other factors that also helped national feeling grow. These included the influence of Napoleon, cultural and political factors. It will then reach a conclusion about how important economic factors were. 62 words
Two of the three sentences in version B are identical to those in version A, but the overall impact is much stronger, as the candidate shows awareness of the issue and the fact that several factors have to be considered. The scene is set and a likely line of argument indicated naturally, without making a point of it. Examiners find that introductions adopting this type of style tend to lead to better arguments and more coherent essays. Version B does not state the intention to reach a conclusion, but it would be most surprising if one did not appear. Two of the three sentences in version B are identical to those in version A, but the overall impact is much stronger, as the candidate shows awareness of the issue and the fact that several factors have to be considered. The scene is set and a likely line of argument indicated naturally, without making a point of it. Examiners find that introductions adopting this type of style tend to lead to better arguments and more coherent essays. Version B does not state the intention to reach a conclusion, but it would be most surprising if one did not appear.
Do Make sure that your essay has a logical or clear structure Check that the first sentence in each paragraph should contain the main idea. Follow this up with evidence, details, facts, figures, quotes. Include linking words which ensure that you are arguing, debating e.g. however, although. Keep sentences simple, direct, clear and relevant. Indent new paragraphs unless typed Don’t Exaggerate claims e.g. ‘This proves that..’ Quote overly long chunks from historians – this is your essay being assessed. Use slang or abbreviations. Formal English, please. Use nursery language: ‘The SS were seriously scary for the German people.’ Use two sentences when one would do. Miss out parts of the essay – check back to question several times.
Do Directly answer the question that you have been asked referring to words, phrases used in the title. Summarise the main points in your argument Check that the conclusion is based on evidence presented in the essay. Check that the conclusion is in line with and specifically addresses the the line of argument presented in the introduction. Include a conclusion even if you have not completed development. Don’t Introduce new evidence in the conclusion. Repeat your introduction Simply repeat analysis or facts you’ve already written, in the form of a summary. Say things like” If….. had not happened,….. would not have ……” This is not a valid argument and is completely unprovable.