Nikki Harrison Liz Ferry TE407
Our mission is to ensure a safe learning community where students are challenged to expand their intellectual, emotional, and social capacities to become global citizens. We will guide students toward this goal by expecting students to be respectful, hard-working and active participants to become life long learners. All members of our school community will be responsible for modeling positive behavior, supporting one another, and committing themselves to doing “Whatever It Takes” to succeed.
Carpet Some posters & student work on hall walls Different shades of blue, some brick, some beige (walls) Common area with large plants, lots of sunlight Benches in some halls Large lockers (shared by two students) Small upstairs area
Average cafeteria Library with plenty of computers Gym Pool Auditorium
Guidance counselors At risk counselor: deals with students with SES issues Truancy counselor Intern: works with assigned groups Discipline handled in different office
Spanish, German, French: all full-year programs (HJH is on a trimester schedule) Encourage foreign language classes, although not yet a requirement at the junior high level Not enough room for all students in FL classes (especially Spanish) 7 th graders must achieve a “C” or better in Keyboarding before taking FL class For new students, counselors review their former English grades to determine possible FL potential before encouraging them to enroll in FL class
933 students: th graders, th graders Drop-out rate/percentage attending college unknown (as it is the junior high level)
RACEWhiteBlackAsianHispanic # of Students Percentage75.6%12.2%2%7% RACEHawaiian Pacific Islander American Indian/ Alaskan Native OtherTOTAL # of Students Percentage>1% 3%
Free lunches Reduced lunches Free & Reduced lunches 241 students 81 students 332 students ≈ 26%≈ 9%≈36%
Organized to facilitate student learning ◦ Desks are placed in curved rows facing the front of the classroom. ◦ Seating chart! Made by the teacher and is designed so that seats are boy-girl-boy-girl. This creates less chatting among boys and girls. ◦ Wall/bulletin decor emphasizes and enhances learning. ◦ Clean!!!
Classroom is very warm and fun! ◦ Posters on the walls (cultural, the alphabet, phrases) ◦ Maps of Spanish speaking countries. ◦ Bulletin Boards filled with color. ◦ World Flags hung from the ceiling. Technology ◦ ELMO ◦ SMART BOARD ◦ TELEVISION
Stephanie Barish, 8 th grade Spanish I Why she is an FL teacher: because it is different and she can show students something they have not seen before Travel experience: Backpacking through Europe and the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico); Barcelona, Spain during the time of the 1992 Olympic Games, trip with students to Yucatan Peninsula
Does she teach the same way she was taught? Yes; her classes were interesting, with a lot of group work and hands-on experiences How has her teaching changed over the years? It hasn’t much; she has fine-tuned her teaching, adding some more of the communicative approach. Some years are better than others for this.
Teaching style and skills emphasized Role = facilitator Emphasizes all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing