Living in Bratislava: The Slovak Language
Adapting to the destination‘s native language is important. Slovak belongs to the Slavic language group. Slavic languages are spoken in central and eastern Europe. Slovak is similar to Czech, Polish, Ukrainian, Croatian, and Russian. Slovak is difficult to learn due to its complicated grammar. Learn the pronunciation of the 46 letters of the alphabet. The pronunciation is very important. The Slovaks are not accustomed to hearing their language spoken by foreigners. A small change in pronunciation can make a big difference in the meaning. Older Slovaks learned Russian or German.
The younger generation is beginning to learn English. Try to learn the basics. Learning the basics will help to smooth things. Numbers and simple phrases are useful. It can be difficult and frustrating but keep it up. You will be rewarded with smiles from your Slovakian friends.
Moving to a new country is difficult in itself. Learning to communicate in a new language can present another challenge, but once overcome can make your experience in your new country much more enjoyable. Slovak is the official language of the Slovak Republic. It is closely related to the Polish and Ukrainian languages and is mutually intelligible with the Czech language. With the difficult grammar and pronunciation, Slovak is a hard language to master, but learning simple phrases and numbers will improve your integration into local life.
I'm from the UK and learning Slovak. It's mainly difficult because of the complicated grammar and soft phonemes (as opposed to my native English). However, it is rich with beautiful metaphors and wry humor, and learning it will also introduce you to bits and pieces from other Slavic languages. Moja slovencina je este velmi zla, skoda, ale som rad ze sa to ucim takze mozem hovorit' trochu ked' som tam a nie byt ignorantny clovek, ktory len povie: "You speak English?" Slovensko, milujem ta :D
Me trying to speak Slovak - with subtitles
Top Comments I'm a native speaker and to say the least, I'm amazed. It's not every day you see someone learning a language spoken by only some 5 million native speakers. All the time I see my fellow citizens learning English, German, Spanish, Russian. And it makes me wonder...are the English, the German, the French really better than us that we have to learn their language? I'd love to see them learn my language. I wish you the best, you have excellent pronunciation. I967 3 months ago SUPER :) mame tazky jazyk my to vieme :)) ale si dobry 1975veduci 2 months ago
Slovak belongs to the languages. Slovak is to Czech and Russian. Slovak is to learn. Slovak has 46 letters. A small change can make a big and simple phrases are useful. You will be with smiles. Older Slovaks learned difficult Slavic difference rewarded alphabet Russian similar Numbers
Slovak lesson 2