WHAT IS A PREPOSITION? A preposition relates a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence.
For example, in the sentence Timothy is in the raft., The word in is a preposition, it shows a relationship between Timothy and the raft.
MORE EXAMPLES: The food is on the table. My jacket is under the bed. Your keys are over there. You should jump into the pool.
In English, the most used prepositions are: of to in for with on
Here are some of the more common prepositions: A aboard about above across after against along alongside amid among amongst around as aside astride at atop B barring before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by C circa concerning considering D despite down during E except excepting excluding F failing following for from I in including inside into L like M minus N near nearby next notwithstanding O of off on onto opposite outside over P past per plus R regarding round S save since T than through throughout till times to toward towards U under underneath unlike until unto up upon V versus via W with within without worth
according to by way of instead of ahead of in addition to on account of apart from in front of prior to aside from In place of with respect to because of in spite of in spite of by means of up on Here are some compound prepositions:
What is a prepositional phrase? Preposition start prepositional phrases. A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begin with a preposition and end with the object of the preposition.
FIND THE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES. Three German submarines surrounded the island during the night.
Three German submarines surrounded the island during the night.
Getting fresh water and vegetables was difficult. They were shipped to the island. The submarines kept bombing the ships carrying these items.
Phillip's mom wanted to return to Norfolk, Virginia to avoid the war.
Phillip's mom wanted to return to Norfolk, Virginia to avoid the war.
After leaving the island of Curacao, their ship was attacked one day outside of Panama.
After leaving the island of Curacao, their ship was attacked one day outside of Panama.
Phillip ended up on a raft in the Caribbean Sea. He heard a plane flying over, but the plane went on without stopping.
Phillip ended up on a raft in the Caribbean Sea. He heard a plane flying over, but the plane went on without stopping.
Phillip and Timothy along with Stew Cat floated to a small island.
Phillip and Timothy along with Stew Cat floated to a small island.
COPY THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES, AND UNDERLINE THE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES. 1.We looked below the sink for a bucket. 2.Some jogger ran over the hill and past a lake. 3.In June my cousin went down the Colorado River. 4.During the blizzard the children remained inside the house.