Physical and chemical weathering
Weathering-breaking down rocks Two types: 1. Mechanical weathering-just breaks it down and does not have a chemical change 2. Chemical weathering-the rock’s minerals change into different substances
Mechanical weathering Causes: 1. Ice wedging- water freezes in cracks and expands breaking the rock 2. Animals digging (claws) 3. Plant roots growing (pressure)
Chemical Weathering Causes: Reactions 1. rainwater (acid rain) 2. oxygen (reacts with iron-makes rust) 3. carbon dioxide 4. acids of plant decay. 5. sulfuric acid
pH scale
pH scale Acidic is below 7 Alkaline (or base) is above 7 Neutral is 7 Find your examples from the pH scale substances listed in that area for your notes
BrainPOP- pH scale
Table 2 (worksheet) Lab experiment: Chalk in vinegar Record what it looks like at start Watch overnight What does chalk look like next day
Table 3 (worksheet) Examine sugar cube at start Examine sugar cubes after shaking 20 times Examine sugar cubes again after shaking 20 times
Table 1 (worksheet) 1-tap water 2-rainwater 3-lemon juice 4 cola 5 ammonia