Commands Commands in English explanation Regular affirmative tú commands explanation drill translation drilltranslation drill Irregular affirmative tú commands explanation drill translation drilltranslation drill Regular Ud. & Uds. commands explanation drill translation drilltranslation drill Irregular Ud. & Uds. commands explanation drill translation drill Negative Ud. & Uds. commands explanation drill translation drill Negative tú commands explanation drill translation drill MURPHY index
Regular affirmative tú commands The regular affirmative tú commands are formed by conjugating the verb in the third person singular in the present tense. comercomeeat vivir mirar dormir volar mira vive vuela duerme look live fly sleep return to index MURPHY
Place the object pronouns and reflexive pronouns after affirmative commands: comerloscómeloseat them leerlo mirarnos dormirse hablarle míranos léelo háblale duérmete look at us read it speak to him fall asleep return to index MURPHY
Now form the affirmative tú commands for the following infinitives. Remember that if the verb is followed by a pronoun you need to place it appropriately. hablar habla speak return to index MURPHY
comer ¡Come! Eat! return to index MURPHY
terminarlos ¡Termínalos! Finish them! return to index MURPHY
beber ¡Bebe! Drink! return to index MURPHY
despertarse ¡Despiértate! Wake up! return to index MURPHY
escribirla ¡Escríbela! Write it! return to index MURPHY
mirarlas ¡Míralas! Look at them! return to index MURPHY
terminarlos ¡Termínalos! Finish them! return to index MURPHY
bañarse ¡Báñate! Bathe yourself! return to index MURPHY
comprarla ¡Cómprala! Buy them! return to index MURPHY
afeitarse ¡Aféitate! Shave! return to index MURPHY
montarla ¡Móntala! Ride it! return to index MURPHY
nadar ¡Nada! Swim! return to index MURPHY
cantarla ¡Cántala! Sing it! return to index MURPHY
volver ¡Vuelve! Return! return to index MURPHY
leerlos ¡Léelos! Read them! return to index MURPHY
pensar ¡Piensa! Think! return to index MURPHY
creerme ¡Créeme! Believe me! return to index MURPHY
tomarlo ¡Tómalo! Take it! return to index MURPHY
cruzarla ¡Crúzala! Cross it! return to index MURPHY
acostarse ¡Acuéstate! Go to bed! return to index MURPHY
Now translate the affirmative tú commands into Spanish. Remember that object pronouns and reflexive pronouns are placed after affirmative commands. Speak! ¡Habla! return to index MURPHY
Finish them (m)! ¡Termínalos! return to index MURPHY
Eat ¡Come! return to index MURPHY
Read! ¡Lee! return to index MURPHY
Walk! ¡Camina! return to index MURPHY
Shower! ¡Dúchate! return to index MURPHY
Think! ¡Piensa! return to index MURPHY
Live! ¡Vive! return to index MURPHY
Sing to us! ¡Cántanos! return to index MURPHY
Wash your hair! ¡Lávate la cabeza! return to index MURPHY
Take a picture! ¡Saca una foto! return to index MURPHY
Ride the bicycle! ¡Monta la bicicleta! return to index MURPHY
Read to them (fem.)! ¡Léeles! return to index MURPHY
Study! ¡Estudia! return to index MURPHY
Wash it (fem, sing.)! ¡Lávala! return to index MURPHY
Listen to me! ¡Escúchame! return to index MURPHY
Return the pants! ¡Devuelve los pantalones! return to index MURPHY
Irregular affirmative tú commands There are eight irregular tú commands that you have to memorize: decirditell, say hacer poner ir haz ve pon do, make go put return to index MURPHY
Irregular affirmative tú commands There are eight irregular tú commands that you have to memorize: return to index salirsalleave ser venir tener sé ten ven be have come MURPHY
Irregular affirmative tú commands The direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns and reflexive pronouns must be placed after the affirmative commands return to index Tell us the truth!¡ Dinos la verdad! Put on the hat!¡ Ponte la gorra! Do it now!¡ Hazlo ahora! MURPHY
Give the affirmative tú command for the infinitives: return to index MURPHY
ser ¡Sé! Be! return to index MURPHY
ir ¡Ve! Go! return to index MURPHY
hacer ¡Haz! Do!, Make! return to index MURPHY
ir ¡Ve! Go! return to index MURPHY
poner ¡Pon! Put! return to index MURPHY
salir ¡Sal! Leave! return to index MURPHY
ser ¡Sé! Be! return to index MURPHY
venir ¡Ven! Come! return to index MURPHY
tener ¡Ten! Have! return to index MURPHY
decir ¡Di! Say!, Tell! return to index MURPHY
ser ¡Sé! Be! return to index MURPHY
hacer ¡Haz! Do!, Make! return to index MURPHY
Now translate the affirmative tú commands into Spanish. Remember that object pronouns and reflexive pronouns are placed after affirmative commands. Be! ¡Sé! return to index MURPHY
Have! ¡Ten! return to index MURPHY
Put it on (m.)! ¡Ponlo! return to index MURPHY
Do them (f.)! ¡Hazlas! return to index MURPHY
Come ¡Ven! return to index MURPHY
Have ¡Ten! return to index MURPHY
Go ¡Ve! return to index MURPHY
Tell me! ¡Dime! return to index MURPHY
Leave! ¡Sal! ¡Vete! return to index MURPHY
Put it (f.)! ¡Ponla! return to index MURPHY
Be ¡Sé! return to index MURPHY
Put ¡Pon! return to index MURPHY
Go! ¡Ve! return to index MURPHY
Regular Affirmative Ud. Commands The regular affirmative Ud. commands are formed by conjugating the verb in the first person singular in the present tense (yo). return to index Remove the ending: Add the opposite vowel ending. If the verb ends in ar you add e and if the verb ends in ir or er add a: hablarhabloe MURPHY
Regular Affirmative Ud. Commands The regular affirmative Ud. commands are formed by conjugating the verb in the first person singular in the present tense. return to index Remove the ending: Add the opposite vowel ending. If the verb ends in ar you add e and if the verb ends in ir or eradd a: vivirvivo a MURPHY
Now try to form the Ud. commands for the verbs that follow: MURPHY
hacer hago return to index a do MURPHY
decir digo return to index a say, tell MURPHY
dormir (ue) duermo return to index a sleep MURPHY
nadar nado return to index e swim MURPHY
leer leo return to index a read MURPHY
pedir (i) pido return to index a ask for, order MURPHY
caer caigo return to index a fall MURPHY
venir vengo return to index a come MURPHY
acostar (ue) acuesto return to index e put to bed MURPHY
morir (ue) muero return to index a die MURPHY
correr corro return to index a run MURPHY
bailar bailo return to index e dance MURPHY
conocer conozco return to index a meet, know MURPHY
ver veo return to index a see MURPHY
Now translate from English to Spanish. Remember that the direct, indirect and reflexive pronouns are placed after affirmitive commands: look return to index mire MURPHY
come return to index venga MURPHY
tell return to index diga MURPHY
tell me return to index dígame MURPHY
buy return to index compre MURPHY
buy me return to index cómpreme MURPHY
find return to index encuentre MURPHY
read return to index lea MURPHY
come return to index venga MURPHY
write return to index escriba MURPHY
return return to index vuelva regrese MURPHY
send return to index mande MURPHY
shave yourself return to index aféitese MURPHY
put on makeup return to index maquíllese MURPHY
take a bath return to index báñese MURPHY
wash your hair return to index lávese la cabeza MURPHY
take a shower return to index dúchese MURPHY
Irregular Ud. & Uds. Commands There are 4 irregular Ud. & Uds. commands that you have to memorize: dardégive estar ser ir esté vaya sea be go be return to index MURPHY
Now form the affirmative Ud. commands for the following infinitives. Remember that if the verb is followed by a pronoun you need to place it appropriately. ir vaya go return to index MURPHY
dar ¡Dé! Give! return to index MURPHY
estar ¡Esté! Be! return to index MURPHY
darme ¡Deme! Give me! return to index MURPHY
ser ¡Sea! Be! return to index MURPHY
estar ¡Esté! Be! return to index MURPHY
ir ¡Vaya! Go! return to index MURPHY
darnos ¡Denos! Give us! return to index MURPHY
ser ¡Sea! Be! return to index MURPHY
ir ¡Vaya! Go! return to index MURPHY
Now translate from English to Spanish using the Ud. command: go return to index vaya MURPHY
be return to index sea esté MURPHY
give return to index dé MURPHY
give us return to index denos MURPHY
go return to index vaya MURPHY
be return to index sea esté MURPHY
give her return to index dele MURPHY
go return to index vaya MURPHY
be return to index sea esté MURPHY
Regular Negative Ud. Commands The regular affirmative Ud. commands are formed by placing no in front of the affirmative Ud. command. The only difference is that with the negative command the direct, indirect and reflexive pronouns are placed before the command. return to index no hablarmeno me hable MURPHY
Regular Negative Ud. Commands The regular affirmative Ud. commands are formed by placing no in front of the affirmative Ud. command. The only difference is that with the negative command the direct, indirect and reflexive pronouns are placed before the command. return to index no decirno diga MURPHY
Now form the negative Ud. commands for the following infinitives. Remember that if the verb is followed by a pronoun you need to place it appropriately. irse no se vaya don’t go return to index MURPHY
estar ¡No esté! Don’t be! return to index MURPHY
nadar ¡No nade! Don’t swim! return to index MURPHY
dormirse ¡No se duerma! Don’t fall asleep! return to index MURPHY
tener ¡No tenga! Don’t have! return to index MURPHY
hacerlo ¡No lo haga! Don’t do it! return to index MURPHY
manejar ¡No maneje! Don’t drive! return to index MURPHY
conocer ¡No conozca! Don’t know! Don’t meet! return to index MURPHY
bailar ¡No baile! Don’t dance! return to index MURPHY
ser ¡No sea! Don’t be! return to index MURPHY
pedirnos ¡No nos pida! Don’t ask us! return to index MURPHY
salir ¡No salga! Don’t leave! return to index MURPHY
despertarse ¡No se despierte! Don’t wake up! return to index MURPHY
darle ¡No le dé! Don’t give her! Don’t give him! return to index MURPHY
afietarse ¡No se afeite! Don’t shave! return to index MURPHY
buscarme ¡No me busque! Don’t look for me! return to index MURPHY
Now translate from English to Spanish using the Ud. command: don’t go return to index no vaya MURPHY
don’t give return to index no dé MURPHY
don’t give me return to index no me dé MURPHY
don’t tell us return to index no nos diga MURPHY
don’t watch return to index no mire MURPHY
don’t watch us return to index no nos mire MURPHY
don’t tell return to index no diga MURPHY
don’t leave return to index no salga no se vaya MURPHY
don’t sell it (la casa) return to index no la venda MURPHY
don’t swim return to index no nade MURPHY
don’t fall asleep return to index no se duerma MURPHY
don’t fall return to index no caiga MURPHY
don’t send us return to index no nos mande MURPHY
don’t drive return to index no maneje MURPHY
don’t go to bed return to index no se acueste MURPHY
don’t read it (el cuento) return to index no lo lea MURPHY
don’t eat them (las tortas) return to index no las coma MURPHY
Negative tú Commands The negative tú commands are formed by placing s after the affirmative Ud. command. Remember that with the negative commands the direct, indirect and reflexive pronouns are placed before the command. return to index no hablarme no me hable MURPHY s
Negative tú Commands The negative tú commands are formed by placing s after the affirmative Ud. command. Remember that with the negative commands the direct, indirect and reflexive pronouns are placed before the command. return to index no decir no diga MURPHY s
Negative tú Commands The negative tú commands are formed by placing s after the affirmative Ud. command. Remember that with the negative commands the direct, indirect and reflexive pronouns are placed before the command. return to index no cantar no cante MURPHY s
Negative tú Commands The negative tú commands are formed by placing s after the affirmative Ud. command. Remember that with the negative commands the direct, indirect and reflexive pronouns are placed before the command. Notice what you have to do with the reflexive pronoun: return to index no afeitarse no se afeite MURPHY s te
Negative tú Commands The negative tú commands are formed by placing s after the affirmative Ud. command. Remember that with the negative commands the direct, indirect and reflexive pronouns are placed before the command. return to index no bañarse no se bañe MURPHY s te
Now form the negative Tú. commands for the following infinitives. Remember that if the verb is followed by a pronoun you need to place it appropriately. irse no te vayas don’t go return to index MURPHY
estar ¡No estés! Don’t be! return to index MURPHY
dar ¡No des! Don’t give! return to index MURPHY
cantar ¡No cantes! Don’t sing! return to index MURPHY
bailar ¡No bailes! Don’t dance! return to index MURPHY
bañarse ¡No te bañes! Don’t bathe! return to index MURPHY
hablar ¡No hables! Don’t talk! return to index MURPHY
dormirse ¡No te duermas! Don’t fall asleep! return to index MURPHY
tener ¡No tengas! Don’t have! return to index MURPHY
ir ¡No vayas! Don’t go! return to index MURPHY
salir ¡No salgas! Don’t leave! return to index MURPHY
perderlo ¡No lo pierdas! Don’t lose it! return to index MURPHY
cantarla ¡No la cantes! Don’t sing it! return to index MURPHY
mandarnos ¡No nos mandes! Don’t send us! return to index MURPHY
escribir ¡No escribas! Don’t write! return to index MURPHY
mirarme ¡No me mires! Don’t write to me! return to index MURPHY
ponerse la ropa ¡No te pongas la ropa! Don’t put on your clothes! return to index MURPHY
cantarles ¡No les cantes! Don’t sing to them! return to index MURPHY
ser ¡No seas! Don’t be! return to index MURPHY
estar ¡No estés! Don’t be! return to index MURPHY
hacerlos ¡No los hagas! Don’t do them! return to index MURPHY
irse ¡No te vayas! Don’t go away! return to index MURPHY