1 Connector Sealing Technology CTIS # Prepared By John Yurtin Updated Connection Systems Training
2 Having a good technical understanding of the expectations and performance of connections can help you properly apply them within the vehicle. Sealing technology should be clearly understood since it is very important to lifetime performance in a vehicle. This training help you understand sealing and how to apply sealed connections more efficiently. Excellence Performance Goal: Do it right the first time, every time Method: Innovation and continuous improvement
3 What is “sealed”? What causes leakage? Fluid Dynamics and Capillary Action Quality Problems What are the Performance Requirements? –ISO / SAE / USCAR / IEC Various Sealing Designations What is the “real life” expectation? Resources What have we Learned? Contents
4 Do we really know what these mean???? The only true definition must be related to a specific set of performance requirements What Is “Sealed”?
5 Watch Example Breitling –Water Resistant 300 M –Price $2800 Timex –Water Resistant 50M –Price $69.95 Look at your watch to see its level of water resistance As a test, would you place your watch in this beaker of water for the remainder of this session?
6 Water can enter a “good” connector or harness in two ways: 1.Fluid Dynamics ( flow from a region of high pressure to one of lower pressure 2.Capillary Action (flow due to close-range molecular forces) Capillary action is capable of causing far more leakage into a well designed connection or pass- through than fluid dynamics. Leakage due to quality problems must always be considered. What Causes Leakage?
7 What do customers think? They need a connector that can withstand some pressure from inside out. With no air bubbles. Sometimes they require a deeper immersion e.g. 1 M because the pressure is greater. Think that heating a connector causes great pressure inside… Think that cooling the connector causes a vacuum to suck water in. Connector must withstand extreme high pressure spray.
8 Heating a connector to C can result in a 5.1 psi (35.2 kPa) max. internal pressure, (however, this assumes no air can leave the connector, and we know air travels up the core of the wire). Immersing into room temp water results in -4 psi (-27.6 kPa) max. [-3.8 psi (26.2 kPa) from cooling (assuming air left the connector), and an additional -.2 psi (1.4 kPa) from 1 6in. of water pressure], 1 P=yh = (62.4 lb/ft 3 ) (3ft) (ft 2 /144 in 2 ) = 1.3 psi (9 kPa) It is important to note that if air is free to travel within the core, then even after heating, or cooling the internal pressure equalizes. Fluid Dynamics (Pressure Differentials)
9 From Bernoulli’s equation, it is determined that water hitting a connector at 30 MPH can cause an instantaneous pressure of 13 psi (90 kPa) Since we know that vehicles drive at high speeds through water it is clear that the effect of high pressure spray is significant. It is common in performance specifications to find a high pressure spray test. It is important to note that if sealing surfaces are shielded from direct spray, then the effect discussed is not relevant. Fluid Dynamics (Splash and High Pressure Spray)
10 Capillary action leakage may be the most common reason for failure in a “good” connection, and can be brought on from temperature changes, vibration and other mechanical and environmental effects. With capillary action, basically the smaller the gap, the further water can travel and the greater the pressure. (Think of water getting to the top leaves of a tree) When two smooth surfaces say 40 micro inches come together (like a seal to the housing), the result is approx. 80 micro inches. This can result in gaps of 2 micro inches. Using mathematics, the pressure related to capillary action can reach 83 psi (573 kPa). Capillary Action
11 Theoretically as the gaps between sealing surfaces approach 0, (smoother sealing surfaces and greater interferences) the pressure increases to infinity. You can relate to this through the earlier example with the watches. How long do you think one of those water resistant watches would last underwater? Capillary Action
12 Quality problems are generally the most common cause of leakage in a “good” connection. These can be from: Bad sealing surfaces (parting lines, mismatch, surface finish) Wicking through or between wires Damaged seals (cut or bunched) or damaged sealing surfaces Capillary leakage through insert molded or potted interfaces Improper assembly method Quality Problems
13 Typical Sealing Tests Temperature / Humidity Salt Spray / Salt Fog Pressure / Vacuum Immersion Immersion / Flex High Pressure Spray It’s important to recognize that the pre-conditioning requirements before these tests, and the subsequent requirements can have a great affect on the final outcome.
14 Sealed connectors IPX7 The leakage current shall not exceed 50 µA at 48 V applied voltage. Sealed connectors tested shall also fulfill the High Pressure Spray test. Water Tightness Test Leakage current is measure between adjacent contacts This typical immersion test setup is used to detect if water gets into the connector by checking resistance between contacts. (Remember that we aren’t concerned with air getting out of a connector e.g. a pressure test but rather water getting in). Typical Immersion Test (SAE / ISO / USCAR)
15 Test Setup Typical High Pressure Spray Test (SAE / ISO / USCAR) I ISO IPX9K T The water flowing through the nozzle shall have… …a temperature of (80 ± 5) °C; ….a flow rate between 14 and 16 l/min; …a pressure of approximately 8,000 to 10,000 kPa (measured as near as possible to the nozzle aperture). M Mount the samples rotate at (5 ± 1) revolutions per minute, and subject it to the high pressure water jet for 30 s in each of the positions 1 to 4.
16 Pressure / Vacuum Test (USCAR) Pressure / Vacuum Test –7psi pressure and -7psi vacuum (initial) –4psi pressure and -4psi vacuum (after mating and un-mating) This is a continuous pressure and assumes no air escapes, or gets drawn in, through the wire core. (*Remember the 5.1 max pressure and 4psi max vacuum that we talked about earlier)
17 IP Codes (International Protection) IP codes are an internationally accepted way to designate environmental sealing performance of a connectors. Originated by IEC, today IP codes are accepted by most standards organizations. An example IP code for a connector might be “IPX5” The following chart explains the code…
18 IP Code (Examples IPX5, IP67, IPX9K) First NumeralSecond Numeral 8 9 Protection against
19 DCS Sealing Codes Code 0 - Unsealed Code 1 - Design has limited sealing capability Code 2 – Mated connection will pass typical salt fog test after conditioning Code 3 - Mated connection will pass typical salt fog and immersion tests after conditioning Code 4 – Mated Connection will meet the requirements of SAE/USCAR-2 (Pressure/Vacuum and Immersion) Code Y – Sealed purchased component (non-Delphi) and sealing capability is undefined.
20 Customer Requirements –Immersion (various liquids), Salt Spray, Salt Fog, High Pressure Spray, Pressure/Vacuum Tests Real Life Environment –Location in vehicle, Temperature Extremes, Application Design –Sealing surfaces and interferences, Tolerances, Shielding, Materials, Wire-Dress Considerations
21 Mating Devices –Are the mating devices designed to our standards? –Is the device itself sealed? Wire Harness Design –Can water wick up wire core and get into a connector? –Does the connector “breathe through the wires? –How close is the next connection, splice or other termination? –Is there excessive movement of the wires? Considerations
22 Resources Sealing Training Presentation –can be used to train the customer as well “So what’s all this sealing stuff about anyway?” article –good to send to the customer Pressure Changes In Automotive Connectors tech article. –includes all calculations Test Specs (CSE Test Center website) Waterproofing Theory Report –available from J. Yurtin –very technical report –Internal use only
23 We learned that leakage takes place in two ways......capillary action...and fluid dynamics Pressure testing should be understood before it is specified, and there are maximum values. That Customer requirements must be clearly defined and understood If a system leaks it is likely due to capillary action or a quality problem What Have We Learned?