23 July 2012 Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna) Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams 12 th B2GM Bad Aibling.


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Presentation transcript:

23 July 2012 Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna) Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams 12 th B2GM Bad Aibling

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams Contents Neutron Irradiation of HPK mini sensor Plan for beam test in October Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams Neutron Irradiation Nuclear Reactor in Vienna TRIGA Mark II (250kW) Irradiation planned for: –HPK Baby DSSDs –Micron Baby DSSDs Max sensor size limited to irradiation capsule (cylinder: length 10cm, diameter 2,5cm)  Micron Baby did not fit into capsule   only HPK Baby irradiated Irradiation performed on March 6 th 3Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams Impressions 4Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams 5Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012 Belle sensors have been irradiated to 2E12 and 1E13 neutron equivalent Fluence Monitoring Calibration run: diodes irradiated to different fluences leakage currents measured Alpha and Kappa determined Actual irradiation: Fluence has been determined before the run controlled by leakage current measurements with CMS diodes

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams 6Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012 Reactor Spectrum Reactor spectrum -> damage is caused by thermic and fast neutrons Damage caused per Energy Measured spectrum Damage function

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams Results of HPK Mini Sensors Two modules to two different fluences: 2E12 and 1E13 Although sensor should be stored in freezer to stop diffusion of bulk damage (reverse annealing), sensor was left at room temperature for practical reasons –had to stay in reactor pool for weeks at ~30degC 7Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012 SNRunirradiatedirradiatedratio HPK baby 1 (2E12 n/cm 2 ) p-side n-side HPK baby 3 (1E13 n/cm 2 ) p-side n-side23.4NaN-

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams HPK neutron irradiation results 8Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012 Noise p- side HPK Baby 1HPK Baby 3 unirradiated irradiated

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams HPK neutron irradiation results 9Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012 Noise n- side HPK Baby 1HPK Baby 3 unirradiated irradiated

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams SVD TESTBEAM Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams Schedule CERN SPS H6 Beamtime: 12. to 19. October (8:00 to 8:00) Gamma Irradiation at SCK- CEN Mol (Belgium) from 19. to 26. October CERN SPS H6 parasitic running with ATLAS colleagues from 27. October to 2. November 11Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams CERN SPS Testbeam What to test: Final large Micron sensors (resolution studies) Micron baby sensors with optimized p-stop pattern Newly built 2-DSSD-Origami, Old 1-DSSD-Origamis with different grounding scheme (noise problem during last year’s beam test) Moreover: CO2 cooling system (already used in 2011) Linux-based TuxDAQ software (new!) 12Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams Gamma Co-60 Irradiation in Belgium 2010: BRIGITTE facility provided 70 Mrad in 1 day -> 100 degC temperature 2012: RITA facility to provide 70 Mrad in 6 days -> max. 30 degC DUTs: Final Micron DSSDs neutron-irradiated HPK baby sensors (mixed-irrad) Various passive material (e.g. Airex, PCBs, cooling clamp, Sil-Pad,…) 13Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012

Sensor Irradiations and Testbeams Summary Tough program starting mid October with –One week beam test (CERN) –One week gamma irradiation (Belgium) –One week beam test (CERN) –B2GM November (Japan) Main Goals: –Acceptance of final Micron sensors to be able to place order for mass production immediately afterwards (critical path for schedule!) –Determine resolution (residuals) of both, rectangular HPK and trapezoidal Micron sensors –Show performance after combined neutron and gamma irradiation –Test many of the materials to be used for support, cooling, mechanics under gamma irradiation 14Thoms Bergauer (HEPHY Vienna)23 July 2012